Specialized services to meet every need

M.M. Ewing Continuing Care Center, near scenic Canandaigua Lake, is a not-for-profit residential health care facility offering quality skilled nursing, and rehabilitation care in a safe and pleasant environment. M.M. Ewing Continuing Care Center has 178 skilled nursing beds on five avenues: Lakeview, Pines, Gardens, Meadows and the Skilled Transitional Unit.

The associates at M.M. Ewing Continuing Care Center specialize in caring for those who need daily nursing care. Single and semi-private accommodations are available with community dining and activity areas to encourage socialization while meeting individual needs and preferences.

Dedicated, licensed professionals and caregivers work closely with each other and each family to deliver the best possible care while maintaining the resident's individual dignity and independence. Residents are assured convenient access to acute care including outpatient diagnostic and therapeutic services through affiliation with the adjacent F.F. Thompson Hospital.

Our services include:

  • Post-Hospital Services to help individuals requiring rehabilitation or restoration recover from illness, surgery and hospital stays.
  • Dementia Care for those suffering from dementia/Alzheimer’s.
  • Long-Term Services for individuals who need 24-hour skilled nursing care.

The Continuing Care Center is a past recipient of the Alzheimer's Association of Rochester Quality of Life Award....Outstanding Residential Provider.

If you would like more information regarding the choices that M.M. Ewing Continuing Care Center offers click here to contact us or call (585) 396-6021 You may also download an application for admission to the Continuing Care Center by visiting the M.M. Ewing Admissions page

M.M. Ewing Continuing Care Center Visitation

Preferred visitation between the hours of 9 a.m. and 7 p.m.

Masking is encouraged for all visitors and required for areas experiencing COVID-19 outbreak.


Stay in touch with your loved one! Send a Health-E-Grams to your loved one. A great option for visitors who are under the weather, live out of town or unable to visit, or just want to send a happy note.

How to Contact Elected Officials

A number of families of M.M. Ewing Continuing Care Center residents have expressed interest in contacting state and federal lawmakers with their concerns regarding guidelines for nursing homes during the COVID-19 response.

As promised during a teleconference with families, Thompson is providing the contact information for a number of officials.

CLICK HERE for a PDF with information.

Have questions about infection control and what is being done to protect your loved one from COVID-19?

Email icp@health.ny.govcovidadultcareinfo@health.ny.gov, or covidnursinghomeinfo@health.ny.gov.

MMECCC Contracts

Click here for list of current contracts

Care Compare Five-Star Ratings of Nursing Homes

Provider Rating Report for January 2025
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STAFFING:4 Star rating