Up-to-date information on COVID-19 illnesses in residents
M.M. Ewing Continuing Care Center is committed to providing residents, families and county, state and federal agencies up-to-date information on COVID-19 illnesses and respiratory symptoms in residents and staff. This page provides the latest information on the number of resident and staff cases linked to COVID-19 and respiratory illness in our facility.
New cases of COVID-19 positive residents since prior day: 0 New cases of COVID-19 positive staff since prior day: 0 Number of COVID-19 related resident deaths since prior day: 0 New onset of 3 or more residents or staff with respiratory symptoms within 72 hours of each other: 0 Current number of COVID-19 cases in residents: 2 Total number of COVID-19 related resident deaths: 9 Cumulative number of COVID-19 positive residents: 290 Cumulative number of COVID-19 positive staff: 387 Cumulative number of groups of 3 or more residents or staff with respiratory symptoms within 72 hours of each other: 83
Mitigating Actions: Positive residents are isolated, contact/droplet precautions are initiated, positive staff are removed from work, and DOH is notified.
Any staff member with symptoms of COVID-19, being tested for COVID-19, or having a diagnosis of COVID-19, is kept out of work until they have been cleared to return to work by the County Health Department and Thompson Health Associate Health.
We are working very hard to reduce the risk of COVID-19 transmission at the M.M. Ewing Continuing Care Center. We have adapted the latest evidence-based local and federal health guidelines to protect residents and staff from the risk of COVID-19. These include, but are not limited to: