What is The Thompson Way?
The Thompson Way, started in 1993, is Thompson's Quality Improvement program. The goal of the program is to provide Associate empowerment to create an environment of quality services to all Associates and our customers. This goal is accomplished through our JDI and DIG programs.
What is a DIG?
(Do It Group)
A DIG is a group of Associates (departmental or interdepartmental) working together to solve a specific problem using the 4-step DO-IT problem solving method (Define, Outline, Implement, Track). Implementation normally occurs within a limited timeframe (i.e. 30 days).
What is a Process DIG?
A Process DIG involves improving a process or service or enhancing quality. Process DIGs use the 8-step process improvement method. Implementation normally occurs within a longer timeframe (i.e. six months to a year).
What is a JDI?
(Just Do It)
A JDI is an action taken by an individual or group that brings about immediate improvement as part of normal work responsibilities directly in the individual or group's control.
A JDI can be initiated if it is within the scope of one's responsibilities. If the idea is outside one's responsibilities, the Associate can contact a member of that department with their suggestion for implementation if appropriate.
What is a RANSAC?
RANSACs are intended for departments or groups only, not individuals. RANSACs are for groups of Associates who go above and beyond what their jobs require.
What is AQC?
(Associate Quality Council) AQC is the team that manages DIGs and Process DIGs. The mission of AQC is to promote the Thompson Way throughout Thompson Health. AQC oversees the DIG process and promotes quality improvement efforts. The council is a representative group of Associates, QI and Executive Team members that serves as facilitators of The Thompson Way.
What is EVC?
(Executive Vision Council)
Members of the Executive Team and AQC, along with the SAC Chairperson, comprise EVC. EVC meets regularly to provide direction to AQC and SAC.
What is SAC?
(Socialization Action Council)
SAC coordinates, organizes and sponsors social events for Thompson Health. The council is comprised of Associates who represent different departments and act as the Thompson Way cheerleaders. SAC celebrates achievements through Cheers for Peers (recognition of individual Associate's accomplishments) and RANSACs (recognition of the accomplishments made by a group of Associates).
Who do I contact if I have other questions about the Thompson Way?
Cathy Schott, Thompson Way Coordinator
(585) 396-6475
Thompson Health believes in Equal Opportunity for all and is committed to ensuring all individuals, including individuals with disabilities, including disabled veterans, have an opportunity to apply for those positions that they are interested in and qualify for without regard to race, religion, color, national origin, citizenship, sex, age, veteran status, disability, genetic information, or any other protected characteristic. Thompson Health is also committed to providing reasonable accommodations to qualified individuals so that an individual can perform their job related duties. If you are interested in applying for an employment opportunity and require special assistance or an accommodation to apply due to a disability, please contact us at 585-396-6680.