Thank you for your interest in the Thompson Health Guild. Since its beginning in 1905, the Guild has been a significant part of Thompson's history.
The Guild has raised millions of dollars to help Thompson invest in the advanced medical equipment most community hospitals do not have and facility expansions to create spaces for medical services that are typically offered only in large cities. In addition, the Guild provides scholarships to local students who are planning on entering a health care field of study and supports the continuing education of Thompson Health associates.
We need people like you to join us. A gift of $25, $50 or even more will help us reach our goal of supporting the needs of our ever growing health system and it will qualify you as a Thompson Health Guild member.
Your contribution will help ensure we remain one of the most successful hospital auxiliary groups in the regions and continue to meet the needs of our growing communities.
As a Thompson Health Guild member, you are welcome to donate your time and talent as a volunteer at our fundraising events, as a sales associate in our Guild Gallery Gift Shop or as a member of our Board of Directors.
We hope you will become a part of the Thompson Health Guild's success today!
Thank you for your consideration. Feel free to contact me at (585) 733-7390 or thompsonguildmembership@gmail.com with any questions you may have about the Thompson Health Guild.
Kim Arnold
Membership Committee Chair
Thompson Health Guild
Joining is easy! Complete the registration form below.
Guild Memberships run from January 1 - December 31.