Vertigo Treatment

What are vestibular disorders?

The vestibular system includes parts of the inner ear and brain that help control balance and eye movements. If the system is damaged by disease, aging or injury, a vestibular disorder can result. 

Have you experienced any of the following symptoms? 

  • Spinning/Whirling sensation when rolling over in bed or bending over 
  • Lightheaded, floating, or rocking sensation 
  • Imbalance, stumbling, difficulty walking straight or when turning 
  • Discomfort from busy visual environments such as traffic, crowds, stores, and patterns 
  • Difficulty walking in the dark 
  • Motion sickness 

If so, you may be suffering from a vestibular disorder and may benefit from a vestibular examination

How can vestibular rehabilitation help you? 

Vestibular rehabilitation can help to decrease dizziness, improve balance, decrease fall risk, and restore independence with daily activities. Therapy includes exercise-based programming, neuromuscular reeducation, and/or mechanical repositioning of misplaced crystals as a result of BPPV.


Thompson Health’s Rehabilitation Services Department’s Canandaigua location offers enhanced services for individuals suffering from vestibular disorders. 

Vestibular Rehabilitation

Canandaigua Rehabilitation
Part of F.F. Thompson Hospital 
699 South Main Street, Suite 2A, Canandaigua
(585) 396-6050

Physical Therapists

Dudley Hallstead PT
Dudley Hallstead PT
Clinical Leader of Technology, Outpatient Physical Therapy
MS in Physical Therapy Nazareth College

Dudley has been treating patients at Thompson with vertigo for over a decade. In 2019 he recertified his Vestibular Competency Certificate at a week-long vestibular rehabilitation course put on by Duke University and the American Physical Therapy Association.

NYS licensed Physical Therapist, Certified in Vestibular Competency
 Sarah Beth Pilch, PT, DPT
Sarah Beth Pilch, PT, DPT
Outpatient Physical Therapy
Doctorate of Physical Therapy, Daemen College; Bachelor of Science in Natural Science, Daemen College

Sarah Beth has been treating patients with vestibular disorders since 2012. She is certified by the American Institute of Balance in the treatment of concussion and vestibular disorders. 

NYS licensed Physical Therapist
Benjamin Van Heck PT, DPT
Benjamine Van Heck, PT, DPT
Outpatient Physical Therapist
Bachelors of Science with Major in Human Kinetics 2013, Doctor of Physical Therapy 2017

In addition to his Doctorate training in physical therapy, Ben has completed specialized competency training in vestibular rehabilitation.

NYS licensed Physical Therapist, LSVT BIG certification, and Vestibular competency training