Athletic Training Corner

Welcome to the Athletic Training Corner. Here you will find information on pertinent topics related to athletic injuries and/or performance. This information is updated monthly by Thompson Health's athletic training staff.

Each month’s topic will be relevant to the types of sports going on at the time.

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WIPP was designed by Dr. Frank Noyes and his team at the Cincinnati Sports Medicine research and Education Foundation. It is a specifically designed warmup, which incorporates the five components of Sportsmetrics TM for maximum efficiency and conditioning. It is a perfect program for those who don’t have the time to complete the full SportsmetricsTM program. It will also benefit those who have already completed Sportsmetrics TM and wish to maintain what they have gained. The WIPP program is made up of a dynamic warm-up, plyometrics, strength, flexibility, and agility exercises. This entire program can be done in just 20 minutes!!!

  • Injury Prevention
  • Improved Performance
  • Muscle and Time Efficient
  • Appropriate for any sport involving cutting, jumping, landing, or twisting
  • Athletes can do this with the rest of their team
  • Intrinsic motivation. Since all exercises are timed, as the athlete becomes more proficient, they will be able to increase the quantity / intensity of the warm-up
  • Several exercises to choose from to keep the routine fresh and exciting
  • Can incorporate skills and equipment from each sport into the program


Thompson Health Sports Medicine Center is a Certified Clinical Site for Cincinnati Sports Medicine Research and Education Foundation. If you would like to learn more about this great program, please call Jeremy Herniman at 585-396-6700.

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