Athletic Training Corner

Welcome to the Athletic Training Corner. Here you will find information on pertinent topics related to athletic injuries and/or performance. This information is updated monthly by Thompson Health's athletic training staff.

Each month’s topic will be relevant to the types of sports going on at the time.

Skier's Thumb

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Skier's thumb: an injury of the ligament that connects the bones of your thumb together.

This injury was originally noted in 1955 as a chronic ligament problem seen in Scottish gamekeepers who damaged their thumbs by repeatedly twisting the necks of hares. The injury was termed “the gamekeeper's thumb.”



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Acute sprains are the most common musculoskeletal injury in athletes, accounting for an estimated 2 million injuries per year and 20 percent of all sports injuries in the United States.

Proper Tackling: See What You Hit!

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Catastrophic cervical spine injuries resulting in quadriplegia (paralysis of all four extremities) are among the most devastating injuries in sports. Axial loading [HA1] is the primary mechanism for catastrophic cervical spine injuries.


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Important Guidelines for Coaches

  • Make it your policy that water be available during practices. Make sure to take frequent water breaks, especially on days that are hot and humid.
  • Know the signs and symptoms of dehydration:


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As many as 3.8 million sports or recreation related concussions occur in the United States each year. Most people with a concussion get better, but it is important to give your brain time to heal.


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During this time of year, athletes need to take precautions against heat illness. Even when the temperature isn’t as hot, humidity can cause problems. There are several different types of heat illnesses. This month, the AT Corner will teach you how to prevent them, recognize them when they do occur, and properly treat them.

Common Elbow Injuries

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During the summer months, many people stay active by playing golf or tennis. These sports, however, carry a risk of injury to the tendons – bands of tissue that connect muscles to bones – in the elbow. This month’s AT Corner will explain how these injuries happen, how to treat them if they occur and, most importantly, how to prevent them.

Shin Splints

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The term "shin splints" is often used to describe a variety of lower leg problems. However, it actually refers specifically to a condition called Medial Tibial Stress Syndrome (MTSS).

TUFF CUFF: Strengthen your shoulder for throwing sports

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Tuff Cuff is a program that teaches you how to increase the endurance and strength of the smaller intrinsic muscles of the rotator cuff and elbow joint. Due to the role these muscles play in acceleration and deceleration during the throwing motion, there is a great deal of stress placed upon them throughout a season.