Industrial Rehab Services

Functional Capacity Evaluation (FCE)
This work-related test assesses an individual's physical' ability to do a specific job or activity, and aids in developing a safe return-to-work program.

Job Function Descriptions
Our program accurately evaluates and describes the essential functions, critical physical demands and possible modifications of any job in accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act.

Job Function Testing
This involves looking at jobs that are causing challenges because of lost workdays, injury costs or injury frequency. Also used for a pre-work screening tool with new job applicants, employees transferring into a new job title, a disabled employee returning to duty or any employee struggling with the physical demands of the job.

Work Conditioning
This process simulates workplace activities to help participants achieve their full work potential. Conditioning exercises improve musculoskeletal and cardiovascular fitness. The program also includes injury prevention, body mechanics instruction and pain management strategies.

Transitional Work Program
This program is designed for employees not yet capable of returning to work full-time after an injury. The employee spends half of the day working under physician-set limits and half the day at HealthWorks Industrial Rehab Center receiving rehabilitation to return to work full-time.

Jobsite Analysis
This includes an on-site evaluation of workstation design and essential job functions. Use of video and still photo analysis helps define essential elements when writing job profiles, and helps employers identify and correct potential causes of injury.

Physical/Occupational Therapy
This includes treatment for acute and chronic musculoskeletal disorders of the neck, back and extremities as well as cumulative trauma syndromes. Treatment emphasizes education, exercise, and manual therapy when appropriate.

Education Programs
A variety of services are available including back safety, safe lifting techniques and cumulative trauma disorder prevention with the goal of empowering employees to understand and solve related problems.