Infusion Center

infusion centerWilmot Infusion Center at Sands offers convenience for patients who require frequent infusions of medications, including those with central lines.

Located in the Sands Cancer Center on West Street. The Infusion Center is a comfortable, dedicated space with team of trained compassionate infusion nurses to care for you. It is a very convenient location with close parking

The Center serves a diverse patient population, including:

  • Patients with blood disorders
  • Patients who need intravenous antibiotics or other medications intravenously
  • Cancer patients

Infusion Treatments

The Infusion Center specializes in a wide array of intravenous (IV) treatments, including:

  • IM/SQ injections
  • Blood Transfusions
  • Packed red cells
  • Platelets
  • Gamma-globulin
  • Albumin
  • Infusion Therapy
  • Remicade
  • Orencia
  • Rituxan
  • Antibiotics
  • Hydration
  • Electrolyte replacement
  • Antiemetics
  • Iron
  • Solu-Medrol
  • Prolastin
  • Xolair
  • Reclast
  • Boniva
  • Actemra


In addition, procedures at the Center include:

  • Insertion of PICC line catheter
  • PICC and midline maintenance
  • Mediport maintenance
  • Hickman catheter maintenance
  • Troubleshooting outpatient central lines; including declotting
  • Therapeutic phlebotomy
  • Blood draws from central lines for lab studies


Our Staff

To create an optimal experience, our team is staffed by highly trained registered nurses who are experienced in all forms of intravenous therapy. While our RNs supervise patient infusions, they provide patients with helpful information about their medical condition, the treatment offered, and any side effects they may experience from their medication.


Wilmot Infusion center at Sands Cancer CenterFor Appointments

Patient appointments are easily arranged by calling 585-978-8398. Operators are experienced at working to quickly set up appointments and confirm each patient’s insurance eligibility for the procedure.

Hours of Operation

Monday - Friday 8:00 - 4:30 pm