Learn More About How Your Donation Will Make a Difference
Receive your Pledge Forms. Personalized pledge forms will be distributed to each department during the first week of March. Attend your Team’s Meeting. Attend your department’s Associate Annual Giving meeting to learn more about how your donation will make a difference or talk with an AAG Committee Member.Make your one-time gift online Choose how YOU give back! Six options are available: Associate Wish List, Ferris Hills/Clark Meadows, Breast Imaging Center, M.M. Ewing Continuing Care Center, F.F. Thompson Hospital and Sands Cancer Center.
Associate Annual Giving Fund The Associate Annual Giving Fund supports the purchase of items requested by associates on behalf of their department or the health system.
Items recently purchased through this fund include:
Ferris Hills/Clark Meadows Fund The Ferris Hills/ Clark Meadows Fund supports the purchase of new technology, equipment or quality-of-life improvements for Ferris Hills/Clark Meadows residents and/or associates.
Items recently requested through this fund include:
Funding designated for the Breast Imaging Center supports:
M.M. Ewing Continuing Care Center Fund The MMECCC Fund supports the purchase of new technology, equipment or quality-of-life improvements for patients, residents and/or associates in the Continuing Care Center and Brighter Day program.
F.F. Thompson Hospital Fund The F.F. Thompson Hospital Fund supports the purchase of items that may be needed by ANY DEPARTMENT within the hospital, including all nursing units, specialty units, the ED, PACU, SCC and the Birthing Center.
Sands Cancer Center Fund The SCC Fund supports the programs and services provided by the Sands Cancer Center.