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AHA News: Woman's Heart Conditions Took Her From Dancing to Despair – Then a New Direction

AHA News: Woman`s Heart Conditions Took Her From Dancing to Despair – Then a New DirectionMONDAY, July 17, 2023 (American Heart Association News) -- At 32, Allison Graff saw her life as a treasure. She loved her job in Florida. She owned her own home. She discovered the delights of dancing, which she did at clubs as often as possible. Working up a sweat and getting all tired out just seemed to be the price she paid for having fun.But when the sweating continued long past leaving the dance floor, and when even taking a shower totally wiped her out, she knew something was wrong.A visit to the emergency room confirmed her fears. And while that trip to the ER in 2008 started an often-exhausting journey of high hopes and devastating despair, she still considers what she did that fateful day "the best decision I could have made."An angiogram showed no blockage. Good news, of...

How Much of a Difference Is 988 Making a Year After Its...

17 July 2023
How Much of a Difference Is 988 Making a Year After Its Launch?MONDAY, July 17, 2023 (HealthDay News) -- The national 988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline has hit its one-year anniversary, and it appears that the public is increasingly turning to the number in times of darkness.The most recent statistics show a substantial increase in call volume, with nearly 160,000 more crisis calls, chats and texts in May 2023 compared to May 2022 -- two months before 988’s activation on July 16.Compared to a year before, calls answered in May increased by 45%; chats answered increased by 52%; and texts answered increased by 938%, according to 988 performance stats monitored by the federal Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration.Overall, 988 operators have answered more than 2.3 million calls and nearly 600,000 texts in the past year, Chuck...

Concussions Won't Lower Your Kid's IQ: Study

17 July 2023
Concussions Won`t Lower Your Kid`s IQ: StudyMONDAY, July 17, 2023 (HealthDay News) -- If your child has ever taken a knock to the head on the playing field, a new study has some reassuring news: There's no evidence that a concussion shaves points from a kid's IQ.Researchers found that compared with children and teens who'd suffered broken bones or sprained ankles, those with a recent concussion did just as well on IQ tests up to three months after the head injury.The study -- published July 17 in Pediatrics -- should ease the worries of many parents, as well as young people who've taken a knock to the head in sports, play or accidents.They often ask whether the injury will dull their mental sharpness, noted lead researcher Ashley Ware, an assistant professor of psychology at Georgia State University."This study is good news,"...

Stretch Your Brain as You Age, Lower Your Dementia Risk?

17 July 2023
Stretch Your Brain as You Age, Lower Your Dementia Risk?MONDAY, July 17, 2023 (HealthDay News) -- Writing letters, taking classes and playing mentally stimulating games like chess in your older years could lower your risk of dementia over the next decade, a new study suggests.Researchers in Australia found that journaling, using a computer, taking education classes and other "literacy enrichment" activities might lessen the risk of developing dementia by 11%. Playing games, cards or chess and doing crosswords or other puzzles could slash the risk by 9%."These findings highlight the types of activities which may be most beneficial to preserve cognitive health with aging," said lead researcher Joanne Ryan, head of the biological neuropsychiatry and dementia unit at Monash University, in Melbourne.Other activities linked to a lower risk of...

For Young Workers, Insomnia Cuts Productivity

17 July 2023
For Young Workers, Insomnia Cuts ProductivityMONDAY, July 17, 2023 (HealthDay News) -- A new study from Australia tied some dangerous and unsettling issues to sleep disorders in young people.The research found links to daytime drowsiness, mental health issues and motor vehicle accidents and noted that as many as 20% of younger people are affected by sleep disorders.Workplace productivity losses were up to 40% greater among 22-year-olds with clinical sleep disorders compared to their peers with no sleep disorders.“This is equivalent to total workplace productivity loss [followed up on multiple occasions across 12 months] of about four weeks for young people with clinically significant sleep disorders, compared with less than one week for those without,” said study leader Amy Reynolds, an associate professor in clinical sleep...

Skin Lightening Products Carry Dangers, But Many Users Are Unaware of Risks: Study

17 July 2023
Skin Lightening Products Carry Dangers, But Many Users Are Unaware of Risks: StudyMONDAY, July 17, 2023 (HealthDay News) -- Using skin lightening products can be dangerous without a doctor’s supervision because they may contain harmful ingredients.Still, nearly a quarter of people in a recent survey said they used the products not for a medical issue, but for overall skin lightening. It’s an issue that relates back to colorism, the system of inequality that considers lighter skin more beautiful, researchers say.“The most surprising finding was the lack of awareness of ingredients in products being purchased over the counter and their potential detrimental effects,” said lead investigator Dr. Roopal Kundu, a professor of dermatology at Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine.“These products are bought from chain grocery stores, community-based...

Pets Don't Help Those With Severe Mental Illness Fare Better

17 July 2023
Pets Don`t Help Those With Severe Mental Illness Fare BetterMONDAY, July 17, 2023 (HealthDay News) -- It’s commonly thought that having a companion animal — be it a dog, cat or bird — is good for the owner’s mental health.A new study suggests that’s not so, at least for people with severe mental illness and for pets that aren’t trained therapy animals. Pets may, however, be an important part of the social network for folks with severe mental illness.Having pets was not significantly associated with the well-being, depression, anxiety or loneliness scores for owners with a range of severe mental illnesses such as bipolar disorder and psychosis, according to the study published July 14 in the journal Human-Animal Interactions.This research followed up on a 2021 survey, in which researchers found a self-reported decline in mental...

Summer Skin Care Tips for Those With Darker Skin

16 July 2023
Summer Skin Care Tips for Those With Darker SkinSUNDAY, July 16, 2023 (HealthDay News) -- Dermatologist Dr. Caroline Opene is often asked if certain types of sun blocks are better for people with darker skin.Not necessarily, says the director of the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) Health Skin of Color clinic.“In general, the best sunscreen is the one you put on consistently,” Opene said in a UCLA Health news release. “While I recommend a broad-spectrum sunscreen with SPF 30 or higher for everyone, there are options: mineral sunscreens made with zinc oxide or titanium dioxide may be better for those with sensitive skin, and young children. Zinc oxide also provides good UVA protection, so I tend to recommend it to those prone to hyperpigmentation,” she added.But these mineral sunscreens can sometimes leave an...

Lisa Marie Presley Died of Common Complication of...

FRIDAY, July 14, 2023 (HealthDay News) -- Lisa Marie Presley, the daughter of Elvis Presley, died from complications of a weight-loss surgery she had several years ago, according to an autopsy...

COVID Infection in Women Having Ovary Stimulation...

FRIDAY, July 14, 2023 (HealthDay News) -- Testing positive for a COVID-19 infection during a particular phase of fertility treatment could reduce the odds for a successful pregnancy, a new study...