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Blood Prick Test for Alzheimer's Shows Promise

Blood Prick Test for Alzheimer`s Shows PromiseWEDNESDAY, July 19, 2023 (HealthDay News) -- A definitive diagnosis of Alzheimer’s disease now requires a series of complicated and expensive imaging scans that look for abnormal protein plaques and tangles in the brain.But in the near future, detecting signs of Alzheimer’s could be as simple as taking a finger prick blood test.Researchers detected key Alzheimer’s-related biomarkers in dried blood samples drawn from a finger prick, according to findings presented Wednesday at the Alzheimer’s Association International Conference, in Amsterdam.“The finger prick method is very much a work in progress, but we are encouraged by this preliminary evidence,” said lead scientist Hanna Huber, a postdoctoral researcher of neurochemistry at the University of Gothenburg in Sweden.This...

AI Came Close to Residents, Medical Students With...

19 July 2023
AI Came Close to Residents, Medical Students With Clinical Reasoning in StudiesWEDNESDAY, July 19, 2023 (HealthDay News) -- ChatGPT may have some of the reasoning skills doctors need to diagnose and treat health problems, a pair of studies suggests — though no one is predicting that chatbots will replace humans in lab coats.In one study, researchers found that — with the right prompting — ChatGPT was on par with medical residents in writing up a patient history. That's a summary of the course of a patient's current health issue, from the initial symptoms or injury to the ongoing problems.Doctors use it in making diagnoses and coming up with a treatment plan.Recording a good history is more complicated than simply transcribing an interview with a patient. It requires an ability to synthesize information, extract the pertinent points and put it all together...

New Malaria Case Reported in Florida Brings National...

19 July 2023
New Malaria Case Reported in Florida Brings National Total to 8WEDNESDAY, July 19, 2023 (HealthDay News) -- The United States now has had eight reported cases of malaria, seven of them in Florida, state health officials reported Tuesday.Considered a public health emergency, these cases are the first in two decades to be acquired within this country's borders, not reported by someone who had traveled elsewhere, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention warned last month.Seven of the cases have been found in Sarasota County, including the latest, according to a report from Florida health officials. The remaining case was reported in Texas in June and is not connected to the Florida cases, according to Texas Department of State Health Services. Despite the seriousness, public health officials are not concerned about a widespread outbreak...

Women With Severe Stroke Less Likely Than Men to Be Sent...

19 July 2023
Women With Severe Stroke Less Likely Than Men to Be Sent to Stroke CentersWEDNESDAY, July 19, 2023 (HealthDay News) -- Despite worse symptoms and living about the same distance from comprehensive stroke centers, women with a severe type of stroke are less likely to be sent to these facilities than men, a new study reveals. Researchers at the University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston found women with what's called a large vessel occlusion acute ischemic stroke were about 9% less likely than men to be routed to comprehensive stroke centers. These strokes happen when a major artery in the brain is blocked. They account for an estimated 24% to 46% of ischemic strokes, according to the study authors.“Timely treatment of stroke is incredibly important; the faster a doctor is able to get the vessel open, the better the patient’s chance of having a...

Bipolar Disorder Ups Early Death Risk by Sixfold

19 July 2023
Bipolar Disorder Ups Early Death Risk by SixfoldWEDNESDAY, July 19, 2023 (HealthDay News) -- People who have bipolar disorder may have a higher risk of dying early, according to new research.Finnish investigators say this is due to a combination of external causes -- such as suicide, accidents and violence -- and physical health issues, with alcohol a big contributor. Targeting interventions to substance abuse will likely reduce premature deaths owing to both external and physical causes, according to the study, published July 18 in BMJ Mental Health.“Suicide prevention remains a priority, and better awareness of the risk of overdose and other poisonings is warranted," researchers led by Tapio Paljärvi of Niuvanniemi Hospital in Kuopio, Finland, said in a journal news release.The study involved more than 47,000 Finns between 15...

Here's How to Make Summer Sports Camp a Safe Adventure for Your Kid

19 July 2023
Here`s How to Make Summer Sports Camp a Safe Adventure for Your KidWEDNESDAY, July 19, 2023 (HealthDay News) -- If your child is in sports camp this summer, you’ll want them to have fun and stay safe.The National Athletic Trainers’ Association (NATA) offers some tips on dealing with existing medical conditions, staying hydrated and heat safe, avoiding weather dangers and protecting skin from the sun.“Just as parents don’t drop off their children at a pool without a lifeguard, they shouldn’t send young athletes to camp without this vital information,” said Scott Sailor, former president of NATA, in an association news release.Before camp, make sure your child has had a physical exam and that you’ve completed any questionnaires about existing medical conditions and medications, NATA recommends.If your child takes medication regularly, find...

Does Your Child Have Asthma? Here's How to Prepare Them to Go Back to School

19 July 2023
Does Your Child Have Asthma? Here`s How to Prepare Them to Go Back to SchoolWEDNESDAY, July 19, 2023 (HealthDay News) -- Whether your child attends a year-round school or one on a traditional calendar, parents can take steps to make classroom reentry healthier for kids with asthma.Asthma causes an estimated 13.8 million missed school days each year, according to the Respiratory Health Association. That’s more than any other chronic illness.Having an inhaler on hand at school is one important step for kids with asthma.If your child experiences frequent asthma symptoms, visit a doctor as soon as possible, the Respiratory Health Association recommends. Make sure your child has a written Asthma Action Plan that you can share with the school nurse.Help your child practice taking asthma medication. Make sure your child understands how important it is to keep the...

Steer Clear of UTIs This Summer

19 July 2023
Steer Clear of UTIs This SummerWEDNESDAY, July 19, 2023 (HealthDay News) -- Dehydration brings lots of risks — including urinary tract infections (UTIs).An expert offers some tips for avoiding these painful infections without sacrificing summer fun. “Patients can experience more UTIs during the summer due to inadequate fluid intake, especially in the historic heat waves we’ve been experiencing,” said Dr. Maude Carmel, a urology specialist at UT Southwestern Medical Center in Dallas. “Dehydration is a leading risk factor for UTIs,” she added in a center news release.To help reduce your chances of getting a UTI in the summer, Carmel recommends staying hydrated by drinking at least two liters (68 ounces) of fluid every day.Urinate frequently — go to the bathroom at least every three hours, she advised....

Fluoride Toothpaste, Make Room for a New Competitor

TUESDAY, July 18, 2023 (HealthDay News) -- Fluoride may have found its match in preventing cavities.New research shows that toothpaste containing hydroxyapatite, one of the main mineral...

Weekend Warriors Aren't Exercising in Vain, at Least...

TUESDAY, July 18, 2023 (HealthDay News) -- It doesn't matter if you exercise every day or squeeze it all into the weekend. If you do the recommended 150 minutes of moderate to vigorous physical...