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Hepatitis C Rates Soar Among Pregnant Women

Hepatitis C Rates Soar Among Pregnant WomenFRIDAY, July 21, 2023 (HealthDay News) – In the two decades since the opioid epidemic took off, the addiction crisis has claimed the lives of hundreds of thousands of Americans.Now, new research points to another grim outgrowth of the crisis on American health: a skyrocketing risk in pregnant women for hepatitis infection (HCV).That’s because the main risk factor for contracting hepatitis C — a liver infection spread by blood contact -- is injection drug use.Between 1998 and 2018, prevalence of HCV among pregnant women shot up 16-fold, researchers found, driving up the risk for poor fetal development and fetal distress, as well as preterm birth.And that’s just the broad picture among pregnant women of all ages. Among those between 21 and 30, hepatitis C risk shot up more than...

For Over 1 in 10 Young U.S. Adults, Vaping Is a Regular...

21 July 2023
For Over 1 in 10 Young U.S. Adults, Vaping Is a Regular HabitFRIDAY, July 21, 2023 (HealthDay News) -- About 11% of young adults in the United States now actively use electronic cigarettes, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention says in a new report.The report, from CDC's National Center for Health Statistics, adds to growing concerns about the harms of vaping. Overall, about 1 in 20 adults are e-cigarette users, with young adults (aged 18 to 24) vaping most frequently, according to the report.“If e-cigarettes were being used as we would hope, the only people who should use them are those who are using them to quit smoking,” said Dr. Joanna Cohen, director of the Institute for Global Tobacco Control at Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore, who was not involved with the new research. “You would see very different patterns,”...

Need Vitamin D, But Need to Watch the Sun? Here's How...

21 July 2023
Need Vitamin D, But Need to Watch the Sun? Here`s How You Do ItFRIDAY, July 21, 2023 (HealthDay News) -- Your body needs vitamin D, the "sunshine" vitamin, but too much time in the sun can increase your risk for skin cancer. An expert offers tips for boosting vitamin D intake while staying safe from the sun and this summer's record-high temperatures.“Vitamin D is important for bone health, calcium absorption, reduction of inflammation, promoting cell growth and immune and cardiovascular support,” said Dr. Mike Ren, an assistant professor of family and community medicine at Baylor College of Medicine in Houston. “People can have vitamin D deficiency for a few months and be fine, but prolonged low levels can cause bone and thyroid health to deteriorate,” Ren said in a college news release.Only about 10 to 30 minutes of daily direct sunlight...

Omega-3s May Preserve Lung Health

21 July 2023
Omega-3s May Preserve Lung HealthFRIDAY, July 21, 2023 (HealthDay News) -- A new study offers strong evidence that eating fish or supplements containing omega-3 fatty acids supports lung health.The finding underscores the importance of including fish and other sources of omega-3s in the diet, researchers say. Many Americans aren't meeting recommended guidelines, they noted.“We know a lot about the role of diet in cancer and cardiovascular diseases, but the role of diet in chronic lung disease is somewhat understudied,” said co-author Patricia Cassano, director of the division of nutritional sciences at Cornell University. “This study adds to growing evidence that omega-3 fatty acids, which are part of a healthy diet, may be important for lung health, too,” Cassano said in a news release from the U.S. National...

Breast Cancer Survivors Age Faster Biologically Than Cancer-Free Women: Study

21 July 2023
Breast Cancer Survivors Age Faster Biologically Than Cancer-Free Women: StudyFRIDAY, July 21, 2023 (HealthDay News) -- Women who have survived breast cancer age faster than women who have never had to survive the disease.The treatment they received impacted their aging rates, according to a new study from Moffitt Cancer Center in Tampa, Fla. “Breast cancer survivors have higher rates of various age-related diseases, such as cardiovascular disease, and experience faster physical and cognitive decline than women without a history of breast cancer. In this study, we wanted to explore the biology behind this and examine whether certain cancer therapies had a greater long-term impact on survivors,” said study author Jacob Kresovich, an assistant professor at Moffitt.His team used data from the Sister Study, which identified environmental and biological factors...

How NSAIDs Can Make a C. Difficile Infection Worse

21 July 2023
How NSAIDs Can Make a C. Difficile Infection WorseFRIDAY, July 21, 2023 (HealthDay News) -- Aspirin, naproxen and other common pain medications known as NSAIDs worsen gastrointestinal infections caused by a bacterium known as Clostridioides difficile (C. diff), new research shows.NSAIDs (nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs) are widely used to ease pain and inflammation. In a new study using mice, researchers set out to find why they exacerbate C. diff, the leading cause of antibiotic-associated diarrhea worldwide.It appears that NSAIDs disrupt the mitochondria of cells lining the colon, sensitizing them to damage by pathogenic toxins. (Mitochondria are essential components of nearly all cells in the body).“Our work further demonstrates the clinical importance of NSAIDs in patients with C. diff infection and sheds light on why the...

Blood Levels of Vitamin B Amino Acids Linked to Dementia Risk After Air Pollution Exposure

21 July 2023
Blood Levels of Vitamin B Amino Acids Linked to Dementia Risk After Air Pollution ExposureFRIDAY, July 21, 2023 (HealthDay News) -- Scientists have reported a link between air pollution and dementia risk, but they haven't had a good understanding of the mechanisms behind this association. Now, a new study provides some answers. “In this study, we found that two types of vitamin B-related amino acids played a role in increasing or decreasing the risk of dementia caused by air pollution,” said Dr. Giulia Grande, co-author of the report recently published in the journal Neurology. She is a postdoctoral researcher at the Karolinska Institute in Stockholm, Sweden.The study found that higher levels of these vitamin B-related amino acids may be linked to the risk of dementia associated with air pollutants called fine particulate matter, or PM2.5.Researchers looked at this...

Dad's Mental Illness Raises Risk of Premature Birth

21 July 2023
Dad`s Mental Illness Raises Risk of Premature BirthFRIDAY, July 21, 2023 (HealthDay News) -- It’s not only a mother’s mental health that is tied to the risk for preterm birth — the father’s matters, too.New research found that the risk of premature birth was higher for infants whose mothers or fathers had a psychiatric diagnosis than for those whose parents did not.Researchers from the Karolinska Institute in Sweden analyzed data on all live births to Nordic parents in Sweden between 1997 and 2016.The study findings were published July 20 in PLOS Medicine.Of 1.5 million babies, 15% were born to parents with a mental health diagnosis. For parents without a diagnosis, 5.8% of babies were born preterm.Paternal diagnosis increased the risk to 6.3% of births, and maternal diagnosis increased the risk to 7.3%. If both parents had a...

AHA News: Warnings – And Hope – From New Heart...

THURSDAY, July 20, 2023 (American Heart Association News) -- New guidelines detailing how to care for people with heart disease come with some easy-to-grasp warnings for patients.The chronic...

Experimental Shot Given Every Six Months Controlled High...

THURSDAY, July 20, 2023 (HealthDay News) -- Every day, millions of people must take one or more pills to control their blood pressure and reduce their risk for heart attack or stroke, but if new...