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Blinded by Chemical Burns, Patients Regained Sight With New Stem Cell Therapy

Blinded by Chemical Burns, Patients Regained Sight With New Stem Cell TherapyFRIDAY, Aug. 18, 2023 (HealthDay News) -- Phillip Durst was working near an industrial dishwasher when something went awry, and the machinery spewed caustic chemicals into his eyes.“If I had been standing a foot left or right, it wouldn't have hit me right where it did. I was just standing in the wrong place,” said Durst, 51, of Birmingham, Ala.The chemicals caused severe burns to his eyes, blinding him.“I can't describe the pain -- more pain than I've ever been in,” Durst recalled of the April 2017 incident. “I've had broken bones, stitches in my head, crashed on skateboard ramps, you name it. I've hit and hurt myself so many times, the sins of my youth, and I've never felt anything so intense or so unreal in my life.“I was clawing at my face, just trying to get my left...

Middle-Aged Americans Are Using Marijuana,...

18 August 2023
Middle-Aged Americans Are Using Marijuana, Binge-Drinking at Record LevelsFRIDAY, Aug. 18, 2023 (HealthDay News) -- Binge-drinking and marijuana use have reached historically high levels among U.S. adults aged 35 to 50, the U.S. National Institutes of Health announced Thursday.For these middle-aged adults, the drugs of choice are marijuana, hallucinogens and alcohol, with nearly 30% admitting to binge-drinking in 2022.Binge drinking for this group reached the highest level ever — 29% — in 2022, up from 23% in 2012, according to a new NIH-funded survey.Past-year marijuana use among 35- to 50-year-olds also reached an all-time high in 2022, also approaching 30%.“Substance use is not limited to teens and young adults, and these data help us understand how people use drugs across the lifespan,” Dr. Nora Volkow, director of the U.S. National Institute on...

Stem Cells Might Someday Create New Tooth Enamel or...

18 August 2023
Stem Cells Might Someday Create New Tooth Enamel or `Living Fillings`FRIDAY, Aug. 18, 2023 (HealthDay News) -- Damaged teeth could one day be repaired with “living fillings” created from stem cells, a new study reports.In the lab, researchers induced stem cells to form small, multicellular mini-organs that secrete the proteins that form tooth enamel, according to a report published Aug. 14 in the journal Developmental Cell.“This is a critical first step to our long-term goal to develop stem cell-based treatments to repair damaged teeth and regenerate those that are lost,” co-author Dr. Hai Zhang, a professor of restorative dentistry at the University of Washington School of Dentistry, said in a school news release.Tooth enamel is the hardest tissue in the human body. It protects teeth from the mechanical stresses of chewing and helps them resist...

AHA News: 'I Feel Like I'm Dying': Days After Giving...

18 August 2023
AHA News: `I Feel Like I`m Dying`: Days After Giving Birth, TV Anchor Couldn`t Make Sense of SymptomsFRIDAY, Aug. 18, 2023 (American Heart Association News) -- Five days after giving birth to her second child, Lauren Lowrey woke up with a sharp pain in her upper back. She couldn't draw in a deep breath.The TV news anchor, who was living in Indianapolis at the time, was recovering from a delivery via cesarean section. But her symptoms didn't make sense. When she tried to sleep, she woke up gasping for air. She had a headache. She thought it strange she hadn't lost a pound since leaving the hospital, as she had with her first child.Her older sister, Jessica, didn't like how things were going, either. Seeing her on a video chat, Jessica asked to speak with their mother, Debbie, who was with Lauren."Lauren doesn't look right," Jessica said. Debbie helped her daughter lie down.As she...

1 in 10 ICU Patients With Heart Issues Has Illicit Drugs in Their System

18 August 2023
1 in 10 ICU Patients With Heart Issues Has Illicit Drugs in Their SystemFRIDAY, Aug. 18, 2023 (HealthDay News) -- More than 1 out of every 10 patients who land in an ICU with a potentially deadly heart emergency test positive for recreational drug use, a new French study reports.About 11% of nearly 1,500 patients admitted to a French intensive cardiac care unit for a heart crisis tested positive for cannabis, opioids, cocaine, methamphetamine or other illicit drugs, researchers said in the journal Heart.Drugs were even more common in younger heart patients, with 1 out of 3 patients under 40 testing positive, results showed.The study can’t say whether the drug use caused these patients’ heart problems, although drugs are known to have negative heart health effects.But the drug use was tied to significantly poorer outcomes for heart patients in critical...

Gene Study Reveals Brain's Complex Organization

18 August 2023
Gene Study Reveals Brain`s Complex OrganizationFRIDAY, Aug. 18, 2023 (HealthDay News) -- The brain is a complex organ, and a new study — believed to be the largest ever on the brain’s genetics — identifies more than 4,000 genetic variants linked to brain structure.The research, involving some 36,000 brain scans, was led by a team at the University of Cambridge in England.Brains are quite varied in terms of overall volume, how the brain is folded and how thick the folds are, according to the researchers.The new work shows that how the brain develops is partly genetic, said study co-author Dr. Varun Warrier, who is with the university's Autism Research Center.“Our findings can be used to understand how changes in the shape and size of the brain can lead to neurological and psychiatric conditions, potentially leading to better...

Does Smoking Change the Teenage Brain?

18 August 2023
Does Smoking Change the Teenage Brain?FRIDAY, Aug. 18, 2023 (HealthDay News) -- Teens’ desire to start smoking, and later to keep smoking, may be linked to differences in gray matter in their brains, a new study reveals. Researchers found that reduced gray matter in the left frontal lobe was found in kids who started smoking by age 14. This area is involved in decision-making and rule-breaking.Once they started smoking, they also had reduced gray matter in the right frontal lobe, a region associated with seeking pleasure.“Smoking is perhaps the most common addictive behavior in the world, and a leading cause of adult mortality,” said co-senior author Trevor Robbins, a professor in the Department of Psychology at the U.K.'s Cambridge University. “The initiation of a smoking habit is most likely to occur during...

Did Vlad the Impaler, Inspiration for Dracula, Shed Tears of Blood?

18 August 2023
Did Vlad the Impaler, Inspiration for Dracula, Shed Tears of Blood?FRIDAY, Aug. 18, 2023 (HealthDay News) – The 15th century prince who inspired the literary vampire Dracula may have had medical issues that caused him to cry tears of blood, according to researchers unearthing this ancient mystery.The prince, who was also a military leader, was known as Vlad III, Voivode of Wallachia and as Vlad the Impaler. He was also called Vlad Drăculea, translating to “the son of the dragon," and may be the inspiration for the character Count Dracula.The theories about Vlad's medical issues come from scientific examination of his letters by a team that included Vincenzo Cunsolo, an associate professor of organic chemistry at the University of Catania in Italy.Vlad III lived during the 1400s in the south of Romania.He’s blamed for killing more than 80,000...

No Evidence 'Blue Light-Filtering' Glasses Actually Help...

FRIDAY, Aug. 18, 2023 (HealthDay News) -- Heavy screen users often buy blue light-filtering eyeglasses to protect their eyes -- but they may be wasting their money, a new study suggests.A new...

CBD Vapes Rising in Popularity Among Teens

THURSDAY, Aug. 17, 2023 (HealthDay News) -- Vaping CBD (cannabidiol) is on the rise among middle and high school students, according to a national U.S. survey, and health experts warn there can be...