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Could 'Float Therapy' Help Ease Anorexia?

Could `Float Therapy` Help Ease Anorexia?FRIDAY, Sept. 1, 2023 (HealthDay News) -- Float therapy, where a patient is suspended in a pool of warm, salty water in a soundproof room, could help ease some aspects of anorexia nervosa, a small new study found. “The idea is that women with anorexia have dysfunctional interoceptive abilities [sensing internal signals from your body], so they're not able to attend to and perceive their bodily experiences in the same way that healthy individuals can,” explained study co-author Emily Choquette, a postdoctoral research associate at the Laureate Institute for Brain Research in Tulsa, Okla. “And one unique thing about floating is that it helps people become more in tune with those body signals.”The research involved 68 women and girls hospitalized for anorexia treatment in a Tulsa...

CPAP Device for Sleep Apnea Might Also Ease Chronic...

1 September 2023
CPAP Device for Sleep Apnea Might Also Ease Chronic Cough, HeartburnFRIDAY, Sept. 1, 2023 (HealthDay News) -- A continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) machine can relieve not only sleep apnea but the heartburn and chronic cough that often accompanies it, a new study finds. People who suffer from sleep apnea are three times more likely to develop acid reflux than those who don't have the condition, noted senior researcher Dr. Thorarinn Gislason, from the Department of Sleep of Landspitali--National University Hospital of Iceland. Still, Gislason doesn't think that people with acid reflux should be tested for sleep apnea unless they have other symptoms. "We have a long list of symptoms and complications from sleep apnea, including daytime sleepiness, respiratory symptoms like coughing or wheezing," he said. "If you have these symptoms, you might...

Counterfeit Pills Fuel Rising Number of Fatal Drug Overdoses

1 September 2023
Counterfeit Pills Fuel Rising Number of Fatal Drug OverdosesFRIDAY, Sept. 1, 2023 (HealthDay News) -- A growing number of overdose deaths in the United States involve counterfeit pills, health officials reported Thursday.Overdose deaths involving counterfeit pills were twice as common in the latter half of 2021 as they were in the last six months of 2019, accounting for about 5% of overdose deaths, according to a new study from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. In Western states, those rates tripled during the same period.The drugs are made to look like prescription opioids or stimulants to treat ADHD. About 75% were made to look like oxycodone, the researchers said.Most were transported to this country from Mexico, “infiltrating drug markets in western U.S. states,” the U.S. Drug Enforcement Agency said in a public...

Sen. Mitch McConnell Cleared for Work After Another...

1 September 2023
Sen. Mitch McConnell Cleared for Work After Another `Freeze` During Media BriefingFRIDAY, Sept. 1, 2023 (HealthDay News) – After Sen. Republican Leader Mitch McConnell froze for the second time during a Wednesday briefing in Kentucky, Congress’ attending physician has cleared him to continue working.Dr. Brian Monahan said in a statement that he had talked with McConnell and his neurology team, and that McConnell can continue his work schedule.McConnell, 81, was injured in March when he fell at a dinner event at a Washington hotel. The senator had a concussion and a broken rib. On two separate occasions since then, McConnell has frozen while speaking publicly, including for about 30 seconds on Wednesday, the Associated Press reported. He was “momentarily lightheaded,” McConnell’s office told the AP. “Occasional lightheadedness is not uncommon in...

When Parent Is in Prison, Kids' Heart Risks Rise

1 September 2023
When Parent Is in Prison, Kids` Heart Risks RiseFRIDAY, Sept. 1, 2023 (HealthDay News) – Along with having to deal with the social stigma of having a parent who is incarcerated, young adults in that situation may be more likely to develop signs of heart trouble, a new study finds.The health impacts of having a parent who spent time in jail have been understudied, the researchers noted."There was very little data on its association with cardiovascular risks,” said lead author Dr. Elizabeth Tung, an assistant professor of medicine at the University of Chicago. “We set out to fill that gap in understanding."Her team analyzed data from over 9,600 young adults between the ages of 33 and 44 in the National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent to Adult Health.They found that 14.1% of all participants, but 21.4% of Black participants,...

Better Sleep, Less Stress-Linked 'Acting Out' in Kids

1 September 2023
Better Sleep, Less Stress-Linked `Acting Out` in KidsFRIDAY, Sept. 1, 2023 (HealthDay News) -- If your child is acting out and you’re looking for solutions, researchers at the University of Georgia’s Youth Development Institute suggest better sleep might be the answer.Getting more hours of slumber could reduce impulsive behavior in kids, their new study showed.“Stressful environments are shown to make adolescents seek immediate rewards rather than delayed rewards, but there are also adolescents who are in stressful environments who are not impulsive,” said lead author Linhao Zhang, a fourth-year doctoral student in University of Georgia’s College of Family and Consumer Sciences. “We looked at what explains that link and what makes some people differ from others. One mechanism we found is sleep.”While sleep is important for...

Mountain Biking May Not Be as Risky as You Think

1 September 2023
Mountain Biking May Not Be as Risky as You ThinkFRIDAY, Sept. 1, 2023 (HealthDay News) -- If mountain biking is your exercise of choice, go for it.A new study finds that the benefits of this sport outweigh the risks, dashing a common view that it's always dangerous, injury-inducing and meant for thrill seekers.“Mountain biking and hiking are some of the fastest growing recreation activities in the world, so understanding the spectrum of injuries becomes paramount for effective medical care,” said lead author Paul Braybrook, a doctoral candidate at Curtin University School of Nursing in Western Australia.His team analyzed data from dozens of studies across the world that included more than 220,000 injured mountain bikers and more than 17,000 injured hikers to try to pinpoint injury types.For mountain bikers, injuries were...

Gene-Tweaked Stem Cells Offer Hope Against Sickle Cell Disease

31 August 2023
Gene-Tweaked Stem Cells Offer Hope Against Sickle Cell DiseaseTHURSDAY, Aug. 31, 2023 (HealthDay News) -- A type of gene therapy that precisely "edits" a key bit of DNA might offer a new way to treat sickle cell disease -- a painful inherited condition that largely strikes Black children and adults.That's according to a new study in the New England Journal of Medicine describing the treatment -- a one-time but intensive process.So far, researchers have tested it in only three young adults who were severely ill with sickle cell disease. But the early results are "promising," said study leader Dr. Akshay Sharma, of St. Jude Children's Research Hospital in Memphis, Tenn.The patients saw reductions in pain attacks and other symptoms in the six to 18 months after receiving the gene therapy. One patient who had averaged one pain attack per month had...

Tech 'Glitch' Is Causing Kids to Lose Medicaid Coverage

THURSDAY, Aug. 31, 2023 (HealthDay News) -- A Medicaid “glitch” is removing health care coverage for potentially millions of children, U.S. health officials warned Wednesday.Automated systems...

First-Time Dads Often Experience Dip in Relationship...

THURSDAY, Aug. 31, 2023 (HealthDay News) -- Most fathers experience a decline in relationship satisfaction that can last for years after the baby is born, new research shows.“A good couple...