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Banning Flavored Vapes Didn't Spur Folks to Quit

Banning Flavored Vapes Didn`t Spur Folks to QuitTUESDAY, Dec. 6, 2022 (HealthDay News) -- When the U.S. Food and Drug Administration banned fruit-flavored vaping products in early 2020, the idea was to reverse the rapid rise in electronic cigarette use among youths.Now, a new survey of adult e-cigarette users finds that instead of quitting e-cigarettes, most vapers switched to flavored products not covered by the ban, or even went back to smoking traditional cigarettes.The ban does not appear to be working and use of flavored products continues, contends study co-author Deborah Ossip. She's a professor in the department of public health sciences and Center for Community Health and Prevention at the University of Rochester Medical Center (URMC) in New York. “It really gets to the issue of, if you want to meaningfully restrict the...

Seniors Urged to Get Flu Shots as U.S. Cases Rise

6 December 2022
Seniors Urged to Get Flu Shots as U.S. Cases RiseTUESDAY, Dec. 6, 2022 (HealthDay News) -- Experts are asking seniors to get their flu shots ASAP as an exceptionally nasty flu season unfolds across the United States.Already, 8.7 million flu cases have been reported, with 78,000 hospitalizations and 4,500 deaths, according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. In the last week alone, the number of flu hospitalizations doubled.Folks who are 65 and older are more at risk of complications from the flu, and they should have high-dose vaccines, recommended geriatric specialists at University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center in Dallas."It is important to take action now to prevent the possibility of severe infections, especially for populations at higher risk for complications, which includes older adults," said...

Risk of Newly Developed High Blood Pressure Rises After...

6 December 2022
Risk of Newly Developed High Blood Pressure Rises After PregnancyTUESDAY, Dec. 6, 2022 (HealthDay News) -- One in 10 women will develop high blood pressure for the first time in their lives during the year after they give birth to a child, a new study finds. “The study findings have implications for postpartum care, particularly among patients without a history of hypertension,” said study lead author Samantha Parker, an assistant professor of epidemiology at Boston University School of Public Health.“We were surprised at the number of cases captured more than six weeks after delivery, a period that falls well outside of routine postpartum follow-up,” Parker said in a university news release. “Monitoring during this period could mitigate severe postpartum and long-term cardiovascular complications.”Very little data exists for the women...

Monitoring Toilet Sounds Could Help Spot Disease

6 December 2022
Monitoring Toilet Sounds Could Help Spot DiseaseTUESDAY, Dec. 6, 2022 (HealthDay News) -- A small toilet-based sound sensor that can tell the difference between peeing, pooping and diarrhea may one day help prevent cholera outbreaks. "The hope is that this sensor, which is small in footprint and noninvasive in approach, could be deployed to areas where cholera outbreaks are a persistent risk," said researcher Maia Gatlin of the Georgia Institute of Technology, in Atlanta. Cholera is an acute diarrheal disease that can kill within hours if untreated, according to the World Health Organization.So Gatlin and her team wanted to see if they could identify bowel sounds. They tested the idea in a way that might seem a little stomach-turning: They used audio data of people on the toilet after gathering the sounds from online sources.Each...

Feds Urge Vaccination as 'Tripledemic' Hits More Americans

5 December 2022
Feds Urge Vaccination as `Tripledemic` Hits More AmericansMONDAY, Dec. 5, 2022 (HealthDay News) -- Flu, RSV and COVID-19 are creating a perfect storm of respiratory disease that is overwhelming the nation's health care systems.Vaccination will be key to getting through the winter holidays with your health intact, U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Director Dr. Rochelle Walensky said during a media briefing Monday."For two of the three viruses discussed today, there are vaccines," Walensky said. "Both the updated COVID-19 vaccines and this year's flu vaccines were formulated to protect against the viruses that are currently circulating right now."This year's flu vaccine appears to be well-targeted to prevent illness, said Dr. Sandra Fryhofer, board chair of the American Medical Association. This is National Influenza Vaccination...

As Alcohol Abuse Declines Among Teens, Marijuana Abuse Soars

5 December 2022
As Alcohol Abuse Declines Among Teens, Marijuana Abuse SoarsMONDAY, Dec. 5, 2022 (HealthDay News) -- American kids are drinking to excess less and abusing marijuana more, a new study finds.Marijuana abuse among 6- to 18-year-olds has increased 245% since 2000, while child alcohol abuse has steadily declined over those years, say researchers who analyzed poisonings over two decades. "This dramatic increase does coincide with this huge wave of decriminalization in the U.S.," said lead researcher Dr. Adrienne Hughes, an assistant professor of emergency medicine at Oregon Health & Science University.And use of cannabis has evolved over the years, too."We're seeing that adolescents are moving away from smoking weed, and they're moving on to alternative modes of consumption," like edibles, Hughes said. "A lot of times they're marketed in ways that...

Bribing Folks Can Help Them Meet Weight-Loss Goals, Study Finds

5 December 2022
Bribing Folks Can Help Them Meet Weight-Loss Goals, Study FindsMONDAY, Dec. 5, 2022 (HealthDay News) -- Money may not buy happiness, but it might give low-income obese people an extra incentive to lose weight, a new study suggests.The study, of people from urban neighborhoods, found that cash rewards encouraged participants to shed some extra pounds, versus a weight-loss program with no financial bonuses.And the effects were similar whether people were rewarded for reaching their weight-loss goals, or simply for making healthy lifestyle changes.Over six months, 39% to 49% of people given cash incentives lost at least 5% of their starting weight. That compared with 22% of study participants given no monetary motivation.The caveat, experts said, is that no one knows how financial rewards pan out in the long run. In this study, the weight-loss...

Severe Seizures Are Rising, Especially Among Minorities

5 December 2022
Severe Seizures Are Rising, Especially Among MinoritiesMONDAY, Dec. 5, 2022 (HealthDay News) -- Growing numbers of Americans are suffering prolonged, life-threatening seizures known as status epilepticus, and Black people are nearly twice as likely to experience these seizures as white people.These are the main findings from new research looking at hospitalizations for status epilepticus from 2010 to 2019 across the United States. Status epilepticus refers to a seizure that lasts for more than 5 minutes. Some people may experience convulsions during this state, while others may appear confused or seem like they're daydreaming. Status epilepticus is an emergency and requires treatment in the hospital.The study wasn’t designed to say why these severe seizures are on the rise, but researchers have their theories. “It may be related to...

AHA News: 'Supernatural' Actor Had a Stroke at a Fan...

MONDAY, Dec. 5, 2022 (American Heart Association News) -- Actor and musician Rob Benedict was in his natural habitat, onstage and entertaining an audience, when two of his friends decided to pull...

Shingles Ups Odds of Stroke, Heart Attack By Almost 30%

MONDAY, Dec. 5, 2022 (HealthDay News) -- People who've had a bout of shingles may face a heightened risk of heart attack or stroke in later years, a new, large study suggests.Anyone who ever had...