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1 in 10 Teens Have Sexted, Many See Porn by 6th Grade: Study

1 in 10 Teens Have Sexted, Many See Porn by 6th Grade: StudyWEDNESDAY, Dec. 7, 2022 (HealthDay News) -- A high number of preteens and teens in the United States have viewed pornography and many have also sent or received nude or seminude photos -- sexting -- over their smartphones, a new study reveals. “The prevalence rates we found in this study suggest that school counselors must be prepared to talk about sexting and pornography use with students, and to change the narrative about these behaviors,” said Amanda Giordano, lead author of the study and an associate professor in the University of Georgia Early College of Education, in Athens.“It’s important that students know that sending a sext is not a new requirement for romantic relationships and that pornography does not reflect expectations for sexual activity,” Giordano added in...

What & How You Sing Might Impact Risk to Vocal Cords

7 December 2022
What & How You Sing Might Impact Risk to Vocal CordsWEDNESDAY, Dec. 7, 2022 (HealthDay News) – How singers use their voices, including the genre of music they perform, has an impact on vocal injury, new research finds.Dr. Lesley Childs, medical director of the Voice Center at University of Texas Southwestern in Dallas, led a two-part study of more than 1,000 patient records.The study looked at phonotraumatic lesions in patients' vocal folds, including benign nodules, pseudocysts and hemorrhagic polyps. All of these can lead to hoarseness and are typically caused by overuse or straining of the voice.Researchers found that nodules were almost equally found across all singing genres. Opera singers had a significantly higher proportion of pseudocysts. People who sang in the praise/worship genre had significantly more hemorrhagic...

Minor Facial Scars Don't Affect Others' First...

7 December 2022
Minor Facial Scars Don`t Affect Others` First Impressions, Study FindsWEDNESDAY, Dec. 7, 2022 (HealthDay News) -- A facial scar may make a person self-conscious, but it doesn’t change another person’s first impressions of their attractiveness or confidence, a new survey shows.The results found that a single, well-healed facial scar may even increase perceived friendliness, according to the researchers, who had predicted different results and said the findings might be "surprising and perhaps welcome news" to those who have facial scars.For the online survey, Dr. Jesse Taylor, of University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia, and colleagues digitally altered facial photographs by adding 14 unique scars in various locations on the faces. About 1,800 online respondents made 89,000 ratings of 50 different faces, assessing confidence, friendliness and...

Record Number of Fatal Drug ODs for Pregnant, Postpartum...

6 December 2022
Record Number of Fatal Drug ODs for Pregnant, Postpartum WomenTUESDAY, Dec. 6, 2022 (HealthDay News) -- Pregnant and postpartum women are dying of drug overdoses in record numbers, and the COVID-19 pandemic has only made things worse, a new study shows. Deaths increased about 81% over the past four years, hitting a record high in 2020, according to researchers from Columbia University Mailman School of Public Health in New York City."We've seen significant increases in fatal and nonfatal overdose in the general population during the pandemic," said first study author Emilie Bruzelius, a doctoral student at Columbia. "It now appears that pregnant and postpartum women are being affected as well."The researchers used national death certificate data, which lists whether someone was pregnant or recently pregnant, for the years 2017 to 2020. The...

Could Bacteria in Your Gut Help Spur Depression?

6 December 2022
Could Bacteria in Your Gut Help Spur Depression?TUESDAY, Dec. 6, 2022 (HealthDay News) -- Depression may be a disorder of the brain, but new research adds to evidence that it also involves the gut.While depression is complex, recent research has been pointing to a role for bacteria that dwell in the gut -- suggesting that certain bacterial strains might feed depression symptoms, while others might be protective.In a pair of new studies, researchers identified 13 groups of bacteria that were related to the odds of adults having depression symptoms. In some cases, the gut bacteria were depleted in people with depression, while in others they were present at relatively high levels.However, experts stressed that the findings do not prove that any of the gut bugs cause or protect against depression. So, it's far too soon to recommend...

Cooler Noses May Be Key to Winter's Spike in Colds

6 December 2022
Cooler Noses May Be Key to Winter`s Spike in ColdsTUESDAY, Dec. 6, 2022 (HealthDay News) -- Researchers may have sniffed out why colds are more likely in wintertime: The answer may lie within the nose.A previously unidentified immune response inside the nose is responsible for fighting off the viruses that cause upper respiratory infections, according to researchers at Massachusetts Eye and Ear and Northeastern University in Boston.Unfortunately, cold weather inhibits this protective response, making it more likely that a person will come down with anything from a cold to COVID-19.The new study offers the first biological explanation why respiratory virus infections are more likely to spike in colder seasons, researchers said."Conventionally, it was thought that cold and flu season occurred in cooler months because people are stuck...

Concerns Around Sex, Fertility Often Ignored in Breast Cancer Care: Survey

6 December 2022
Concerns Around Sex, Fertility Often Ignored in Breast Cancer Care: SurveyTUESDAY, Dec. 6, 2022 (HealthDay News) -- Shehzin Tietjen was 27 years old when she felt a lump in one of her breasts while in the shower.That discovery led to a confirmation of breast cancer, an unexpected jolt at her age. "I was really shocked," said Tietjen, who lives in Atlanta.Though breast cancer is more common in postmenopausal women, about 9% of new breast cancer cases occur in women under 45. Many breast cancer treatments, including chemotherapy, can affect fertility.While Tietjen soon began talking with doctors about preserving her fertility, that's not a conversation all young women with a similar diagnosis have, according to a survey of more than 700 breast cancer patients by Living Beyond Breast Cancer (LBBC), a Pennsylvania-based nonprofit.Only 49% of survey respondents...

Eating Lots of 'Ultra-Processed' Foods Could Harm Your Brain

6 December 2022
Eating Lots of `Ultra-Processed` Foods Could Harm Your BrainTUESDAY, Dec. 6, 2022 (HealthDay News) -- Chips, pizza, cookies: Delicious, but a diet full of ultra-processed foods like these may contribute to brain deterioration, researchers report.Ultra-processed foods have lots of added and unhealthy ingredients, such as sugar, salt, fat, artificial colors and preservatives. Examples include frozen meals, soft drinks, hot dogs and cold cuts, fast food, packaged cookies, cakes and salty snacks.These foods have been linked to an increased risk of heart disease, metabolic syndrome and obesity. Now, scientists in Brazil have tied them to a greater risk of declining brainpower.The study couldn't prove cause-and-effect. However, "the cognitive decline could be the result of microvascular lesions in the brain, reduced brain volume or even systemic...

AHA News: Keeping High Blood Pressure at Bay for the...

TUESDAY, Dec. 6, 2022 (American Heart Association News) -- No matter what winter holiday traditions you celebrate, you probably won't find "think about blood pressure" on your to-do list, even...

Science Reveals 3 Keys to an Energized, Alert Day

TUESDAY, Nov. 6, 2022 (HealthDay News) -- Advertising would have you believe that a big bowl of sugary cereal or a syrupy iced coffee drink will make you bright-eyed and bushy-tailed in the...