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Elon Musk's Neuralink Says Brain-to-Computer Interface Has FDA Approval for Clinical Trial

Elon Musk`s Neuralink Says Brain-to-Computer Interface Has FDA Approval for Clinical TrialFRIDAY, May 26, 2023 (HealthDay News) -- It may sound like the stuff of science fiction, but Elon Musk’s company Neuralink announced Thursday that the U.S. Food and Drug Administration has approved a human clinical trial of a device that may restore or enhance function when implanted in a human brain.“We are excited to share that we have received the FDA’s approval to launch our first-in-human clinical study!” the company said in a statement on Twitter Thursday. It’s “an important first step that one day will allow our technology to help many people.”The device would be surgically implanted into patients’ brains using a robot. The idea is that it would connect with computers to decode brain activity, the Washington Post reported, but the FDA did not announce the trial...

Huge Mass of Sargassum Seaweed Is Targeting Florida's...

26 May 2023
Huge Mass of Sargassum Seaweed Is Targeting Florida`s Coast, With Hazards to HealthFRIDAY, May 26, 2023 (HealthDay News) -- Be cautious when heading to Florida's beaches this summer, an expert warned, as a 5,000-mile floating mass of sargassum seaweed has begun washing up on the state's shores. It can be low risk in some instances, but it also has the potential for triggering serious respiratory health issues. “The sargassum itself is not dangerous. It can have different jellyfish and sea creatures in it that could be a source of sting,” said Dr. Sarah Shafer, medical toxicologist and an assistant professor in the department of emergency medicine at Baylor College of Medicine in Houston. However, “once the sargassum washes up on the beach, in 48 hours it will start to break down and lose toxic gasses. As it decomposes, we have to worry about potential exposure...

AHA News: More Than a Kernel of Truth: Corn Can Add a...

26 May 2023
AHA News: More Than a Kernel of Truth: Corn Can Add a Healthy Crunch to Your CookoutFRIDAY, May 26, 2023 (American Heart Association News) -- Stroll past the seasonal aisle at any grocery store this time of year and you'll find a shelf piled with plastic flip-flops, a box sprouting colorful pool noodles and a "sizzling sale" on grilling accessories.But when it comes to food, a true mark of summer is a staple of the classic American cookout: corn on the cob.In many parts of the world, corn is called maize. It's the name for the entire plant, which traces back nearly 10,000 years to southern Mexico.The type of maize on your shopping list is likely sweet corn. Dent corn, named for the dimples that form on the top of kernels, is primarily used for livestock feed and ethanol production. Flint corn, with its colorful kernels that have a hard outer layer, is often used for...

Heavy Marijuana Use Might Raise Risk of Bipolar...

26 May 2023
Heavy Marijuana Use Might Raise Risk of Bipolar Disorder, DepressionFRIDAY, May 26, 2023 (HealthDay News) -- Heavy users of marijuana might face an increased risk of bipolar disorder and depression, a new study suggests.The analysis of more than 6.6 million Danish individuals found that having cannabis use disorder doubled or even tripled the odds for most forms of depression or bipolar disorder. When it came to bipolar disorder in particular, "cannabis use disorder was associated with higher risk for psychotic than non-psychotic subtypes of bipolar disorder," the researchers noted.These results, however, cannot prove that marijuana use was the cause of these conditions, the investigators said. "Our results are compatible with the idea that cannabis may increase the risk of developing depression or bipolar disorder, but we cannot prove this for...

Minimally Invasive Surgery May Be Good Option for People With Pancreatic Cancer

26 May 2023
Minimally Invasive Surgery May Be Good Option for People With Pancreatic CancerFRIDAY, May 26, 2023 (HealthDay News) -- Minimally invasive surgery works just as well as full-scale open surgery in removing early-stage pancreatic cancers, allowing patients a faster recovery with less infection risk, a new clinical trial has found.The ability to remove all the cancer and the rate of cancer recurrence was essentially the same between the two groups, said lead researcher Dr. Mohammad Abu Hilal, surgical director at the Instituto Ospedaliero Fondazione Poliambulanza in Brescia, Italy.“This trial, which is the first trial of its kind, can confirm that minimally invasive distal pancreatectomy is a safe, valid, efficient alternative approach to the open approach in the treatment of resectable pancreatic cancer,” Hilal said during a recent media briefing held by the...

Are ERs Safe? Patients, Nurses and Doctors Say No in New Survey

26 May 2023
Are ERs Safe? Patients, Nurses and Doctors Say No in New SurveyFRIDAY, May 26, 2023 (HealthDay News) -- Emergency departments aren’t perceived as safe for professionals or their patients, according to an international survey from the European Society of Emergency Medicine (EUSEM).More than 90% of emergency professionals surveyed said they felt at times the number of patients exceeded the capacity the emergency department (ED) had to provide safe care. Overcrowding was a problem, they said. Overcrowding is known to carry substantial risk of harm and increased deaths, according to the society.Preliminary results from a patient survey were even harsher, with more reporting that emergency staff were angry and rude than were kind, according to the report published May 25 in the European Journal of Emergency Medicine. Among the issues were...

Could Microbiome Changes Explain Rise in Colon Cancer Among the Young?

26 May 2023
Could Microbiome Changes Explain Rise in Colon Cancer Among the Young?FRIDAY, May 26, 2023 (HealthDay News) -- With colon cancer on the rise among younger Americans, researchers are working to figure out why.A new study suggests the microbiome — the community of microorganisms in the body — may play a role. “Younger people with colorectal cancer have more biologically aggressive cancers and whatever survival benefit they have by being younger is outweighed by the more aggressive tumor biology. We also know, that for the most part, genetics doesn’t explain the recent rise in young-onset disease,” said Dr. Benjamin Weinberg. He is an associate professor of medicine at Georgetown University's Lombardi Comprehensive Cancer Center, in Washington, D.C.“But we have trillions of bacteria residing in our body, including in our gut, some of which are...

Switching to Plant-Based Diet Helps Your Heart, Major Study Finds

26 May 2023
Switching to Plant-Based Diet Helps Your Heart, Major Study FindsFRIDAY, May 26, 2023 (HealthDay News) -- Vegetarian and vegan diets lead to lower blood levels of cholesterol and fats, according to a major new analysis of all evidence from clinical trials published since 1982.Compared to people eating an omnivorous diet, those following a plant-based diet experienced an average reduction in total cholesterol levels of 7% from levels measured at the start of the studies, a 10% reduction in “bad” LDL cholesterol levels, and a 14% reduction in apoliprotein B, a blood protein used to estimate cholesterol level, the analysis found.Those results showed that plant-based diets can play a significant role in reducing blocked arteries, thereby lowering the risk of stroke and heart attacks, researchers concluded in the review published May 24 in the...

More Mpox Cases Reported as Health Officials Fear a...

THURSDAY, May 25, 2023 (HealthDay News) -- U.S. health officials are bracing for the possibility that mpox could surge again this summer as cases mount in several states.On Thursday, the U.S....

Experts Devise Symptom Checklist to Help Define Long COVID

THURSDAY, May 25, 2023 (HealthDay News) -- Researchers have developed a definition and symptom checklist for long COVID, based on initial findings from a study of nearly 10,000 Americans.The study...