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Up to 50,000 U.S. Kids May Be Hospitalized With COVID-19 by Year's End

Up to 50,000 U.S. Kids May Be Hospitalized With COVID-19 by Year`s EndWEDNESDAY, April 22, 2020 (HealthDay News) -- While children seem to have been largely spared from the worst of the coronavirus pandemic, a new study suggests it's possible that up to 50,000 U.S. children might end up hospitalized with COVID-19 by the end of 2020. And, if around 25% of the U.S. population has been infected with COVID-19 by the end of this year, it's likely that more than 5,000 children and teens would be critically ill and require mechanical ventilation, the researchers estimated. "We don't want to be alarmist. Children are still the lowest risk proportion of the population. But it would be a mistake to think that COVID-19 isn't a risk for everyone," said study author Jason Salemi. He's an associate professor of epidemiology at the University of South Florida's ...

In Oregon, One Town Goes Door to Door Tracking...

22 April 2020
In Oregon, One Town Goes Door to Door Tracking Coronavirus SpreadWEDNESDAY, April 22, 2020 (HealthDay News) -- A college town in Oregon is embarking on a groundbreaking effort to measure the hidden spread of COVID-19 within the community, thanks to the local university. Oregon State University (OSU) researchers will fan out across Corvallis during the next four weekends, going to randomly selected houses and asking folks inside to provide nasal samples for testing. The TRACE COVID-19 project is one of the first efforts in the nation to attempt to assess an entire community's COVID-19 activity, officials said. The team hopes to have just under 4,000 samples by the end, enough to paint a statistically accurate picture of how widespread the COVID-19 virus has become in the town of 58,641, said OSU spokesman Steve Clark. "We'll have an indication of...

Trump Issues Temporary Halt on Green Cards, Senate...

22 April 2020
Trump Issues Temporary Halt on Green Cards, Senate Passes Another Stimulus BillWEDNESDAY, April 22, 2020 (HealthDay News) -- President Donald Trump announced Tuesday that the issuance of all green cards in the United States will be suspended for 60 days as the country battles the coronavirus pandemic. The halt will not stop temporary workers on nonimmigrant visas from entering the United States, the Washington Post reported. "I will be issuing a temporary suspension of immigration into the United States," Trump said during a coronavirus media briefing. "By pausing, we'll help put unemployed Americans first in line for jobs." Broad restrictions have already been placed on travel from Europe, China and other coronavirus hot spots. Meanwhile, a $484 billion deal to replenish a small business loan program that has run out of funding and to devote more money to...

Transplanted Skin Stem Cells Help Blind Mice See Light

21 April 2020
Transplanted Skin Stem Cells Help Blind Mice See LightTUESDAY, April 21, 2020 (HealthDay News) -- Transplants of skin cells that were turned into light-sensing eye cells enabled blind mice to detect light, a new study says. In previous research with lab animals, scientists have programmed stem cells created from blood or skin cells to become photoreceptors and transplanted them into the back of the eye. Researchers said this study shows that it's possible to skip the stem cell middle step and directly reprogram skin cells into photoreceptors for transplantation into the retina. The U.S. National Eye Institute (NEI)-funded study was published April 15 in the journal Nature. "This is the first study to show that direct, chemical reprogramming can produce retinal-like cells, which gives us a new and faster strategy for developing...

Many Adults Delay Getting Help for Eating Disorders

21 April 2020
Many Adults Delay Getting Help for Eating DisordersTUESDAY, April 21, 2020 (HealthDay News) -- Young adults may be waiting too long to seek help for eating disorders, a new study suggests. Researchers surveyed 300 young adults, ages 18-25, in Australia. They found the majority had eating, weight or body shape concerns. "Concerningly, only a minority of people with eating disorder symptoms had sought professional help and few believed they needed help despite the problems they were experiencing," said study co-author Dan Fassnacht. He's a psychology lecturer at Flinders University in Adelaide, South Australia. Reasons for not getting professional care include denial, concerns about losing control of their eating or weight, and not understanding the severity of their eating disorder. Feeling embarrassed or fearing that others don't...

Some COVID-19 Patients Stricken by Guillain-Barre Syndrome

21 April 2020
Some COVID-19 Patients Stricken by Guillain-Barre SyndromeTUESDAY, April 21, 2020 (HealthDay News) -- Studies are beginning to show that, in rare cases, people with severe COVID-19 may develop the serious nervous system disorder known as Guillain-Barre syndrome. "Guillain-Barre syndrome is a well-known condition in which one's immune system targets peripheral nerves as foreign and attacks them, resulting in the cardinal features of the disease," explained Dr. Anthony Geraci, who directs neuromuscular medicine at Northwell Health in Great Neck, N.Y. The symptoms of the disorder "include weakness, areflexia [absence of reflexes], paresthesia [tingling], and in some cases facial weakness and ataxia [poor balance]," Geraci said. It's not uncommon for severe cases of infectious disease to trigger Guillain-Barre, experts noted. According to the...

More Good News on Remdesivir's Power to Treat COVID-19

21 April 2020
More Good News on Remdesivir`s Power to Treat COVID-19TUESDAY, April 21, 2020 (HealthDay News) -- Preliminary data from two clinical trials using the antiviral drug remdesivir to treat COVID-19 patients is encouraging, researchers report. One trial is providing the drug to patients with moderate illness and the other focuses on patients with severe illness. A number of the patients are now recovering and have been released from the hospital. While it's too early to tell, the researchers said there are also indications that remdesivir can possibly stave off being put on a ventilator. "Early results are promising, and that is important right now. Much of what we are learning about COVID-19 management is centered around preventing quick deterioration. Timing is everything. I can't say for certain they [patients] would have been intubated...

LA County Coronavirus Infections Are Up to 55 Times That of Reported Cases

21 April 2020
LA County Coronavirus Infections Are Up to 55 Times That of Reported CasesTUESDAY, April 21, 2020 (HealthDay News) -- An early analysis of antibody testing from Los Angeles County finds a coronavirus infection rate that is up to 55 times the number of confirmed COVID-19 cases. According to the researchers behind the study, the vast majority of people infected with the new coronavirus may be going without symptoms or have minimal symptoms. It's one of the first in-depth analyses of local population infection rates conducted in the United States. Los Angeles County's population totals more than 10 million. As the research team noted, by early April, there were 7,994 confirmed cases of COVID-19 reported in the county, including 600 COVID-19 deaths. But new findings from the first round of ongoing antibody blood testing of county residents showed that about...

Poisonings Linked to Cleaning Products Are Rising Along...

TUESDAY, April 21, 2020 (HealthDay News) -- A woman overcome by toxic fumes from her kitchen sink is rushed to the hospital; a toddler is treated in the ER after swallowing hand sanitizer. As...

The Lowdown on COVID-19 Treatments

TUESDAY, April 21, 2020 (HealthDay News) -- There's a lot of confusion about medications and COVID-19, so experts offer some answers. There are no proven drug treatments for the illness caused by...