Thompson's Stroke Group Expands Reach
Melinda Ayers

Thompson's Stroke Group Expands Reach

Originally held in person, Thompson’s Stroke Support Group began meeting via Zoom during the pandemic so survivors and their loved ones could continue benefiting from each others’ advice and from educational presentations by local experts.

Now that the pandemic is over, Zoom is allowing the group to expand its reach.

In recent months, we have made a concerted effort to recruit new group members from other UR Medicine affiliates: Jones Memorial Hospital in Wellsville, Noyes Health in Dansville, Finger Lakes Health in Geneva, and Highland Hospital and Strong Memorial Hospital in Rochester. But anyone – no matter where they’ve been treated – is welcome to join.

Thompson Health Stroke Coordinator Alice Taylor said the group is also now registered with the American Heart Association and is bringing in guest speakers from other facilities more frequently.

Thompson Hospital is a New York State Department of Health-designated Stroke Center and recipient of the American Heart Association/American Stroke Association’s Get With The Guidelines® Gold Plus Quality Achievement Award. The award recognizes the hospital’s commitment to ensuring stroke patients receive the most appropriate treatment according to nationally accepted, research-based guidelines.

For information about joining Thompson’s Stroke Support Group, email

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