Still Hesitant?

Petya S.
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Petya S.

Petya S. is a certified nursing assistant on the Gardens avenue in the M.M. Ewing Continuing Care Center. Newly licensed, started at Thompson about a month before the pandemic hit. In June of 2020, she learned she was pregnant with her second child. Six months later, she and all other Thompson associates were offered the vaccine.

“At first,” she said, “I wasn’t sure.”

Petya had heard a lot of things about the vaccine, including assertions that it is part of a government control plan, or that it involves “the mark of the beast.”

She talked to her midwife, Laura Burgess of Thompson’s Canandaigua Medical Group OB-GYN practice, and Laura urged her to consider the Pfizer vaccine. There might be some tiredness and/or nausea as a result, but as a pregnant person, Petya was well-acquainted with both. Ultimately, she said of Laura, “I trust her.”

“She’s very compassionate, and she cares about her patients,” she said.

Petya’s second dose was on Jan. 11, and her son was born on Feb. 5. There were no complications, and both are healthy.  “I’ve been fine,” she said.
