Still Hesitant?

Amber L.
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/ Categories: Covid Vaccination

Amber L.

Amber L. is a certified nursing assistant on the Skilled-Transitional Unit in the M.M. Ewing Continuing Care Center.

“I wanted to wait a little bit,” she said of the vaccine. “I was unsure of the long-term effects, the short-term effects, if it really worked or not, and if the studies were accurate. It came out so fast.”

Gradually, Amber began to feel more comfortable about getting vaccinated. For one thing, she didn’t want to get her kids sick. In addition, “I felt like if I didn’t get (the shot), I wouldn’t have as much freedom.”

For example, Amber noticed how stores were allowing fully-vaccinated people to shop without masks and she figured there would be more things down the road that would require showing proof of vaccination, such as getting into concerts and the like.

She had also planned a vacation with her kids at the end of May and didn’t want to quarantine, unpaid, for two weeks afterward. She got her second dose in mid-May and is glad.

Amber has friends who are still on the fence and she understands their reasoning “but I feel like it’s a necessary thing.”
