Press Releases

Thompson Named Recipient of HANYS Pinnacle Award

Author: Anne Johnston/Wednesday, July 2, 2014/Categories: Press Releases

CANANDAIGUA – F.F. Thompson Hospital, an affiliate of UR Medicine, was recently named one of only two hospitals in the state to receive the 2014 Pinnacle Award for Quality and Patient Safety, presented by the Healthcare Association of New York State (HANYS).

The Pinnacle Award celebrates significant achievement in improving patient care and reducing unnecessary hospital readmissions.

Thompson was honored for its initiative to eliminate hospital-acquired conditions. This involves using visual tools to track progress and offer reminders of evidence-based best practices. The heightened awareness of these best practices – among staff, patients and families – allows patients and families to actively partner in their care.

The visual management program has resulted in a decrease in falls, pressure ulcers, and central line-associated bloodstream infections, as well as the elimination of ventilator-associated pneumonia.

“This award honors exemplary innovations to improve quality and safety. Patient safety is paramount, and we’re proving visual management is an effective means toward achieving our goals,” said Thompson Health President/CEO Michael F. Stapleton, Jr., noting the initiative engages everyone from frontline staff to the Board of Directors.

Stapleton and other Thompson officials accepted the award – in the category for small hospitals – during HANYS’ annual Membership Conference. The conference was held in Bolton Landing, N.Y., on June 19.

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