Press Releases

Sign Up by Jan. 9 for Smoking Cessation Program

Author: Anne Johnston/Friday, December 14, 2018/Categories: Press Releases

CANANDAIGUA – UR Medicine Thompson Health is hosting an American Lung Association’s Freedom From Smoking® Group Clinic soon, with a Jan. 9 deadline to RSVP.

The clinic will include eight sessions over the course of seven weeks.

Meetings will be on Tuesdays, Jan. 15 through Feb. 26, from 4 to 6 p.m. in the Cardiac Rehabilitation Conference Room at F.F. Thompson Hospital, 350 Parrish St. in Canandaigua. There are two meetings during the fourth week - with the second meeting of the week on Thursday (Feb. 7) - because that is “Quit Week.”

Over the course of the eight sessions, participants will work with a trained facilitator to set a quit date, build a plan and work through the first few months of being smoke-free.

Because no single plan is right for all smokers, the program presents a variety of evidence-based techniques for individuals to combine into their own plan to quit smoking. According to the American Lung Association, the clinic format also encourages participants to work on the process and problems of quitting both individually and as part of a

RSVPs are required by Jan. 9. The cost is $20 per person, payable by cash, check or credit card.

To sign up, call Thompson’s Wellness Department at (585) 396-6111.


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