Press Releases

Pawluk Golf Tournament Raises $7,500 for Patient Needs Fund

Author: SuperUser Account/Sunday, July 17, 2011/Categories: Press Releases

The 7th Annual Margery Pawluk Golf Tournament, held on Friday, June 3, at Reservoir Creek Golf Course in Naples, raised more than $7,500 for the Margery Pawluk Cancer Patient Needs Fund at Thompson Health’s Sands Cancer Center.  


Awards were given to the following participants:

1st Place – Mike Sheedy, Chris Donnellan, Chris Annesi, Chris Sherman

2nd Place – Chuck Tomes, Jeff Wolfanger, Mike Novakowski, Rick Case

3rd Place – Jeff Joseph, Dan Bird, Al Burt, Dan Seeley

Mixed Division Winners – Joanne LeRoy, Sue Yarnall, Dave Ciprich, Marty Sample

Longest Drive (Men’s) - Mike Novakowski

Longest Drive (Women’s) Joanne LeRoy

Closest to the Pin (Men’s) - Al Burt

Closest to the Pin (Women’s) - Joy Gordner


The Margery Pawluk Golf Scramble committee thanks all the individuals and businesses who sponsored the event.


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