Press Releases

OB/GYN Ultrasound Suite Opens at CMG

Author: Anne Johnston/Thursday, April 11, 2019/Categories: Press Releases

CANANDAIGUA – An ultrasound suite opened recently in UR Medicine Thompson Health’s new Canandaigua Medical Group (CMG) building at 335 Parrish St.

Located to the left as one enters the main lobby, the suite is specifically for Obstetrics/Gynecology (OB/GYN) patients, whether they are patients of CMG’s OB/GYN group or not. Currently, the majority of OB volume previously done at Thompson Hospital – at 350 Parrish St. – is being channeled to the new suite. Soon, GYN patients will be seen there as well.

With Maria Riccio registering patients at the front desk, Canan Al-Mawaz is the lead sonographer. She started her ultrasound career at Thompson in 2013 after doing her clinical rotation at the hospital, leaving in 2014 to pursue a career in high-risk OB ultrasound because that’s “where I knew my heart was.”

As a registered diagnostic medical and fetal cardiac sonographer with a master’s in health management, Al-Mawaz is able to serve patients with high-risk pregnancies. Previously, these patients had to travel to Rochester for every ultrasound procedure.

Al-Mawaz, who will be joined soon by another high-risk sonographer, says she is excited to be back and eager to help make Thompson the region’s destination for high-risk OB ultrasound.

The new CMG building opened in December 2018, directly behind the building that had housed the medical group since the early 1970s. In addition to the OB/GYN practice and the new ultrasound suite, the building also houses Internal Medicine, Pediatrics, a lab draw station and a drive-thru pharmacy.


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