Press Releases

New Stroke Support Group to Hold First Meeting Feb. 6

Author: Anne Johnston/Monday, January 13, 2020/Categories: Press Releases

CANANDAIGUA – UR Medicine Thompson Health is launching a new Stroke Support Group for stroke survivors, and for their loved ones and caregivers as well.

Facilitated by stroke-certified registered nurse Sarah Gallagher, the stroke coordinator for Thompson, the group will meet the first Thursday of each month. The first meeting is Thursday, Feb. 6, from 1 to 2 p.m. in the first-floor conference room of the Constellation Center for Health and Healing, which is on the north side of F.F. Thompson Hospital, 350 Parrish St. in Canandaigua.

No RSVP is required for the support group meetings. For more information about the group, call (585) 396-6965 or email

F.F. Thompson Hospital is a New York State Department of Health-designated Stroke Center and has received the American Heart Association/American Stroke Association’s Get With The Guidelines® Gold Plus Quality Achievement Award. The award recognizes the hospital’s commitment to ensuring stroke patients receive the most appropriate treatment according to nationally recognized, research-based guidelines.


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