Press Releases

My Thompson Health eNews Now Available

Author: SuperUser Account/Wednesday, July 13, 2011/Categories: Press Releases

As a free service, Thompson Health is now offering My Thompson Health eNews, an electronic suite of customized, credible health information delivered via email.

“This adds a new dimension to the way we serve our community,” said Thompson Health President/CEO Linda Farchione. “We’re committed to improving the health of those we serve, and this new resource provides easy access to current health information that can help our community members make even more informed decisions about their health.”

Subscribers sign up at and receive only the topics and information they request via password-protected, secure online communication.

My Thompson Health eNews includes the following:

·         My Health Newsletter, a personalized e-newsletter featuring topics of interest to you

·         My Health Reminders, which sends timely reminders for key preventative screenings and periodic exams, based on age and gender

·         My Baby Expectations, an e-newsletter to help expecting parents

·         My Health Assessments, with more than 45 interactive tools to determine conditions and reduce risk

·         Medline Plus, an online library that includes a medical encyclopedia and a medical dictionary, extensive information about prescription and nonprescription drugs, health information from the media and links to thousands of clinical trials.

“All of the content undergoes three levels of review by medical experts,” said Farchione. “While we always support the primary care physician as the best health resource, we also know that more than 50 million Americans regularly turn to the Internet for health information, and this number is growing all the time. That is why it is more important than ever, as a valuable partner in our community’s good health, to connect our subscribers to information that is both current and informative.”


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