Press Releases

Hospital, Skilled-Nursing Facility Receive Federal Support

Author: Anne Johnston/Thursday, February 4, 2021/Categories: Press Releases

CANANDAIGUA – UR Medicine Thompson Health recently earned federal support for both its hospital and its skilled-nursing facility, through the Provider Relief Fund established via various stimulus bills passed over the course of the pandemic.

“Due to this distribution and incredible hard work on the part of our associates in minimizing COVID-19’s impact while continuing to provide excellent care, our nonprofit health system finishes 2020 with a positive operating margin,” said President/CEO Michael F. Stapleton Jr., noting Thompson had bi-partisan support from advocates including Sen. Chuck Schumer as well as Congressmen Tom Reed, Chris Jacobs and Joseph Morelle.

According to Senior Vice President of Finance/CFO Mark Prunoske, F.F. Thompson Hospital received more than $2.1 million in Phase 3 funding due to revenue lost in the first half of 2020 after temporarily suspending elective surgeries and procedures. The M.M. Ewing Continuing Care Center received nearly $125,000 in Quality Incentive funding related to infection control and its lower-than-average infection rates, Prunoske said.

Prior to this most recent round of funding, the hospital had received $3.1 million in stimulus funding and the continuing care center had received $1.2 million. Clark Meadows at Ferris Hills – the health system’s enriched living community – previously received $54,000, Prunoske said.

Stapleton announced the news of the most recent federal funding to Thompson’s more than 1,800 associates in conjunction with news that the number of Thompson patients being treated for COVID-19 is trending downward. The hospital recently closed its dedicated COVID-19 unit. However, surge plans remain in place, should numbers begin to climb again.

As of Thursday (Feb. 4), the health system had administered approximately 5,200 doses of COVID-19 vaccine to those in Phases 1A and 1B of the state’s distribution system, with additional doses slated for distribution by the end of the week.

“As I reflect on the last year, we have so much to be proud of,” Stapleton said in a memo to associates. “We were made for this. This is why so many of us made the decision to go into health care – to serve others. You have all made an incredible impact.”


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