CANANDAIGUA – UR Medicine’s Thompson Health, the New York Wine & Culinary Center (NYWCC) and a Canandaigua physician are teaming up to offer a two-part cooking series at the NYWCC.
Called The Food Rx, the series will be held at the NYWCC, which is located at 800 S. Main St. in Canandaigua. Participants will:
Estimate their current consumption of whole plants
Discuss benefits of increasing whole plants in the diet
Receive information about available resources for a healthier diet
Get first-hand experience in preparing whole, plant-based meals and cooking without added fats and salt
The series kicks off on Thursday, May 5, with a presentation and plant-based meal in the NYWCC’s
Demonstration Kitchen. Participants may take the second class on either Thursday, May 12, or Thursday, May 19. This class, from 1 to 3 p.m., will be held in the NYWCC’s Hands-On Kitchen, and participants will prepare a plant-based meal to enjoy together.
Each session costs $10. Registration is required. To sign up, call Thompson’s Wellness Department at
(585) 396-6111 (RSVP for the May 19 class no later than May 12).