Press Releases


Author: SuperUser Account/Thursday, July 16, 2009/Categories: Press Releases


Thompson Health has secured Excellus BlueCross BlueShield as a sponsor of two upcoming events that will highlight the courage of local cancer survivors.
A $2,000 Excellus BCBS grant will help offset the costs of the 9th Annual Portraits of Strength and Courage Prostate Cancer Awareness Open House on Sept. 3 and the 14th Annual Silhouettes of Hope and Courage Breast Cancer Awareness Open House the first week in October.
Both events highlight stories shared by local cancer survivors and a featured speaker. The purpose is to celebrate the survivors, as they share their challenges and offer encouragement to others who face the diagnosis of cancer.
Thompson’s Man-to-Man Prostate Cancer Support Group, which is in partnership with the American Cancer Society, annually selects four honorees for the Portraits of Strength event. These are men who have bravely faced prostate cancer and have used their personal experiences to help other men fighting the disease. The four honorees for the Silhouettes of Hope and Courage event are selected by a committee from Thompson’s Wellness Department for their community involvement and positive outlook while battling breast cancer. 
For more information on the cancer awareness open houses hosted by Thompson Health, call (585) 396-6111. These events are free and open to the public.

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