Press Releases

Class on Diabetes Prevention/Management Dec. 7

Author: Anne Johnston/Tuesday, November 21, 2017/Categories: Press Releases

CANANDAIGUA – UR Medicine Thompson Health is offering a Type 2 Diabetes Prevention & Management Class on Thursday, Dec. 7, from noon to 1 p.m. at the Constellation for Health and Healing, Thompson Hospital, 350 Parrish St.

Class participants will learn how to read Nutrition Facts labels in order to navigate the choices at the grocery store, selecting foods that taste good while helping to achieve blood glucose goals.

The class is presented by Linda Rowsick, a registered dietitian certified by the state of New York.

The $15, non-refundable registration fee includes class materials (for a discount, participants may register with a friend and take the class together for a total of $25). Class participants are welcome to bring their lunch to class.

To register, call Thompson’s Wellness Department at (585) 396-6111.


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