Press Releases

Bowl for the Cure Set for Feb. 6 and 7

Author: Anne Johnston/Thursday, January 22, 2015/Categories: Press Releases

CANANDAIGUA – The Canandaigua USBC Bowling Association invites community members to participate in the 7th annual Bowl for the Cure® on the evening of Friday, Feb. 6, and the afternoon of Saturday, Feb. 7, at Roseland Bowl, 4357 Recreation Drive, Canandaigua.

Proceeds benefit the Breast Health Patient Navigation Program at UR Medicine’s Thompson Health and Susan G. Komen®. By collecting a minimum $25 donation, each participant may bowl three games, with shoe rental. Participants raising $100 or more will receive a commemorative T-shirt.

Individuals may form four- or five-person teams to compete in the Corporate Night Challenge on Friday, Feb. 6, with registration beginning at 4:30 p.m. Saturday is for families, with registration beginning at 2:30 p.m.

Entertainment will be provided during Bowl for the Cure®, and prizes donated by local businesses will be awarded throughout the event.

Call Jack Moran at Roseland Bowl, (585) 394-5050, for more information.


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