Press Releases

Adirondack Chair Raffle to Benefit Thompson Health

Author: SuperUser Account/Sunday, July 17, 2011/Categories: Press Releases

The Thompson Guild, in cooperation with the Canandaigua business community, will sponsor a raffle of uniquely decorated Adirondack chairs from Thursday, July 21 to Saturday, Aug. 6, with proceeds benefitting Thompson Health. 


The chairs will be on display in the lobby of F.F. Thompson Hospital, 350 Parrish St., from Thursday, July 21, through Thursday, July 28.  Raffle tickets will be available for purchase in the Guild Gallery Gift Shops, located in the Hospital and adjacent M.M. Ewing Continuing Care Center, for $1 each or $5 for six.   


Beginning Friday, July 29, the chairs will be featured in the following storefronts throughout Canandaigua, where raffle tickets will also be available:  Adorn Jewelry, Angelic Dreamz, Coach Street Clay, Expressions in Needleart, Finger Lakes Gallery & Frame, F. Oliver’s, Joolz, Mobile Music, Pat Rini Rohrer Gallery, Sweet Expressions, Simply Crepes, Wick-edly Sent, Wegmans, and Wildflowers.   


Winning tickets will be drawn at The Commons on South Main Street at 7 p.m. on Saturday, Aug. 6, at the conclusion of the Canandaigua Wine Walk. In addition, the chairs will be photographed and incorporated into a 2012 calendar.


Fourteen chairs have been donated to the Guild by Brigitt Markusfeld of Chair and Chair Alike in Rochester.  The local artists who donated their time and talent to decorate the chairs will help choose how the proceeds will be spent to benefit Thompson Health.  Artists include Darryl Abraham, Jane Alden, Liz Brownell and her FLCC art students, Holly Chaapel, Michele Fernaays, Elizabeth Fladd, John Fladd, Diane Godfrey, Peggi Heissenberger, Nancy Lane, Arlene McDonald and her Canandaigua Academy art students, Pat Rini Rohrer, Judy Soprano and Kate Wheeler.


Aimee Ward, owner of Finger Lakes Gallery & Frame, helped organize the local artists and merchants in support of this project.  “We’re very excited about this event,” she says.  “I hope people don’t miss the chance to buy some tickets, win their favorite Adirondack Chair and support Thompson Health.” For more information, please contact Aimee Ward at (585) 396-7210.


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