Press Releases

Register for Breastfeeding Instructor Course by Aug. 10

Anne Johnston 0 2038
CANANDAIGUA – UR Medicine’s Thompson Health is hosting a Breast Feeding Instructors’ Course Thursday through Saturday, Aug. 17-19. The audience for this course – which fulfills the UNICEF recommendations for those who work with mothers and babies – includes OB nurses and breastfeeding instructors.

Rose Walk Proceeds Top $17,000

Anne Johnston 0 2384
CANANDAIGUA –The 21st annual Rose Walk raised more than $17,000 in net proceeds for the cardiac rehabilitation program at UR Medicine’s Thompson Health, bringing the total amount raised by this event over the years to more than $267,000.

Final Yarger Tournament Brings Proceeds to Over $200K

Anne Johnston 0 2927
VICTOR – The 20th and final Yarger Memorial Golf Scramble raised more than $15,000 for the Fralick Cardiac Rehabilitation and Fitness Center at UR Medicine’s Thompson Hospital, bringing the total donation from this tournament – in its lifetime – to over $200,000.  

Event Raises $20,500 for Breast Health Program

Anne Johnston 0 2276
CANANDAIGUA - Roseland Bowl and members of the Canandaigua USBC Bowling Association recently presented $20,500 to UR Medicine’s Thompson Health for its Breast Health Patient Navigation Program. The money was raised at the 9th Annual Bowl for the Cure, held on Feb. 3 and Feb. 4 of this year. Since its inception in 2009, the event has raised more than $150,000 for Thompson’s breast cancer awareness and education programs. 

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