Press Releases

Healing Pathways Program Begins Soon

Anne Johnston 0 2505
CANANDAIGUA – “Healing Pathways,” a program offered by UR Medicine Thompson Health for those with ongoing illnesses or other sources of chronic stress, will begin soon, with the option of a Tuesday evening series or a Thursday afternoon series.

Thompson Seeks Chaplain’s Volunteers

Anne Johnston 0 1759

CANANDAIGUA – As she recruits chaplain’s volunteers to provide spiritual care within UR MedicineThompson Health, Manager of Spiritual Care M. Elizabeth Heffernan will host an informational meeting at 1:30 p.m. on Wednesday, Feb. 21, in the chapel just off the main lobby of Thompson Hospital at 350 Parrish St. in Canandaigua.

Thompson Grant Applications due April 15

Anne Johnston 0 1744
CANANDAIGUA – All local not-for-profit organizations whose programs improve the health and wellness of the community within the service area of UR Medicine Thompson Health are encouraged to apply by April 15 for Mary Clark Thompson Community Health Grants offered by the F.F. Thompson Foundation.

‘Bowl for the Cure’ Set for Feb. 9 & 10

Anne Johnston 0 1877
CANANDAIGUA – The 10th annual “Bowl for the Cure” takes place Friday, Feb. 9, and Saturday, Feb. 10, at Roseland Bowl, 4357 Recreation Drive in Canandaigua. This event is organized and hosted by Roseland Bowl and Members of Canandaigua USBC Bowling Association and features not only bowling but live entertainment, raffles and prizes.

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