CANANDAIGUA – The M.M. Ewing Continuing Care Center recently received the Eli Pick Facility Leadership Award from the American College of Health Care Administrators (ACHCA).
CANANDAIGUA – The Thompson Health Guild is offering up to four, $2,000 scholarships to be awarded to students who have been enrolled their entire senior year at a high school located within the service area of UR Medicine Thompson Health.
CANANDAIGUA – As she recruits new volunteers to provide a spiritual presence within UR Medicine Thompson Health, Manager of Spiritual Care M. Elizabeth Heffernan will host an informational meeting at 1:30 p.m. on Wednesday, April 10, in the chapel just off the main lobby of Thompson Hospital at 350 Parrish St. in Canandaigua.
CANANDAIGUA – UR Medicine Thompson Health will host a free, six-week “Living Healthy Workshop” beginning Tuesday, March 19.
CANANDAIGUA – “Healing Pathways,” a program offered by UR Medicine Thompson Health for those with ongoing illnesses or other sources of chronic stress, will begin soon, with the option of a Tuesday evening series or a Thursday afternoon series.
CANANDAIGUA – All local not-for-profit organizations whose programs improve the health and wellness of the community within the service area of UR Medicine Thompson Health are encouraged to apply by April 15 for Mary Clark Thompson Community Health Grants offered by the F.F. Thompson Foundation.
CANANDAIGUA - The Service Excellence Team (SET) at UR Medicine’s Thompson Health recently announced the first quarter recipients of the health system’s Service Excellence Awards.
CANANDAIGUA – Kristen Bloom of Macedon was recently named director of Infection Prevention and Disaster Preparedness for UR Medicine Thompson Health.
CANANDAIGUA – The Wellness Department within UR Medicine Thompson Health will host a women’s self-defense class – for ages 13 and up – on Thursday, Feb. 28, from 5:30 to 7 p.m.
CANANDAIGUA – All three of the general surgeons employed by UR Medicine Thompson Health will soon be under one roof, in a new location.