Press Releases

'To Your Health' Event Tailored to Women

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CANANDAIGUA – A stand-up comedienne described by Oprah Winfrey as “one of the funniest people on the planet” will be one of the featured speakers at “To Your Health,” an informative and fun event tailored to women and hosted by Thompson Health on Friday, Oct. 1, at the Inn on the Lake, 770 S. Main St. in Canandaigua.

Free Event to Focus on Lung Health

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CANANDAIGUA – The Respiratory Therapy Department of F.F. Thompson Hospital invites the community to a Pulmonary Health Fair on Friday, Aug. 27, from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. in the Thompson Conference Center on the ground floor of the hospital, 350 Parrish St.

Thompson's Rose Walk Sets Record

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CANANDAIGUA – The final numbers have been tallied, and it’s official: The 14th annual Rose Walk raised a record $23,000 for cardiac rehabilitation patients, shattering last year’s record $18,000 in proceeds.

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