Thompson Health Guild

For more than 100 years, the Thompson Health Guild, a not-for-profit fundraising organization, has served Thompson Health and its surrounding communities.

In 1905, the F.F. Thompson Hospital Board of Directors established the Guild for the purpose of raising funds to purchase needed medical equipment and furnishings for the Hospital and Nursing Home. Today, the Guild has nearly 150 members and is governed by a volunteer Board of Directors.

Through several generations, dedicated members of our community have given of their time, talent, creativity and hard work to raise funds for Thompson Health.

Join the Thompson Health Guild today!


Facebook Link 

Thompson Health Guild Board of Directors (2023)

Executive Committee

Katie Outhouse, President

Judy Reader, Immediate Past President

Bonnie Ritts, Vice President

Louis Loy, Treasurer

Gail Herman, Secretary


Members of the Board

Kim Arnold

Amber Brewer

Clare Canavan

Mary Green

Kristen Koczent

Phyllis Langan

Robert Locke

Grace Loomis

Kristi Merriman

Laurie O'Shaughnessy

Tara Rago

Kathy Saxby

Jean Seager

Carol Urbaitis

Taryn Windheim



Guild Mission

The mission of the Thompson Health Guild shall be to provide assistance and support to the Thompson Health System, its patients and its associates, and to act as a liaison for the community and Thompson Health. The Guild’s efforts will focus on public relations, fundraising, health advocacy and related programs beneficial to the Thompson Health System.

Guild Scholarship

Thompson Guild Scholarship Recipients

The Thompson Health Guild awards up to five $2,000 scholarships annually to high school seniors in the service area of Thompson Health. Read more>>